The battle

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Death Scyther: Yea we still have to get stronger! Then we can face the legends and win and become the new legends ourselves! Josephine: Yeah! Death Scyther: So lets keep training and practicing until we are ready to face the legends and win against them. The last few weeks we practiced then the battle came. We stand face to face against the legends in the final battle. Bel: LETS GET THE SHOW STARTED! Death Scyther: LET'S GO!!!!!! Free: Fafnir merge claw! Valt: Valtryek Rush launch! Bel: devastating wrecker! Josephine: Left spin! Lui: Luinor LOST Spiral! Death Scyther launches Grim Reaper's Lightning Scythe in a left spin Death Scyther: LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!! Everyone: What! Josephine: You think that me and death have not been prepared!? Grim Reaper's Lighting Scythe makes contact with Fafnir and the purple lightning from the scythe boosts the scythe's power making it a really powerful hit. Aiger: Don't forget about me! ACHILLES USE SHEALD! Grim Reaper's Lightning Scythe makes contact with Achilles' Sheald and the scythe breaks through and hits Achilles with a really strong hit. Free: Fafnir use counter break! Grim Reaper's Lightning Scythe is caught by Fafnir's counter break and then Fafnir launches Grim Reaper's Lightning Scythe back at me. Josephine: Is that all you got FREE THE GOLDEN BOY?? Free: HOW ABOUT THIS!! Fafnir launches Grim Reaper's Lighting Scythe back at me with the counter break's power boosting the scythe making it a very powerful attack. Aiger: ACHILLES USE REDUCTION SHIELD! Grim Reaper's Lighting Scythe makes contact with Achilles' Reduction Shield and the scythe gets reduced in power making it a more manageable attack. Josephine: Why did you do that Aiger? Aiger: Well if I didn't reduce the attack power of your scythe then it would have been too powerful for us to counter so I had to use my reduction shield to reduce its power to a more manageable level. Josephine: Even so that will only effect me. Free: Yea thats true but we're gonna focus all of our attacks on your scythe so we can reduce its power and make it easier to counter. Josephine: So you all planed that you make my attack to become stronger for me to overcome then Aiger reduce the damage for it to even make it more less useful for me. And I am guessing That You valt, Lui and bel needs to your part? Valt: yea we'll do our part so you can't rely on your scythe's power to win this battle and we'll all attack Grim Reaper's Lighting Scythe so we can all reduce its power! Valt: well then i guess we can start the battle now. Valt launches Valtryek in and uses rush Launch. Bel: Devastating wrecker! Lui: Raid upper Luinor! Valtryek crashes into Devastating Wrecker and pushes it back but then Raid Upper Luinor gets in the way of Valtryek and pushes it away and then Grim Reaper's Lighting Scythe comes flying in to hit the both of them. Josephine: We can't keep using it Death! Death Scyther: Yea I know but we gotta keep it up for now and we cant afford to lose this battle. Josephine: How about we use the purple lighting instead of the scythe? Death Scyther: yeah that could work we should try that out but we should try to save the purple lightning.

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