literally the only part (its only 1105 words dont expect much)

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It's hard to believe how three words can destroy your friendship with someone.

It doesn't matter how long you've been friends, it doesn't matter how well you know eachother or how close you've been over the years..

And that's what I'm scared of.

My name is Cristal, by the way. Just a short introduction. And I've been falling for my friend since.. I don't even remember.

Yes, it's been that long.

The reason I'm afraid to confess was because of rejection and destruction. I didn't want to ruin our friendship that I worked on for years and years.

... But I had to try, right?

It was the perfect weather, perfect day to tell her. I was going on a roadtrip with my friend, and she wanted to tag along.

... Suddenly, a honk. I was too trapped in my thought that I haven't noticed my friend was already waiting for me in front of my house.

I got my phone, and texted her,

"I'm coming, jeez!"

I quickly took my purse, shoving my phone inside before hastily exiting my room and running down the stairs.

"Mom, dad, we're leaving now, bye!", I said to them before kissing them both on their cheeks and waving at them as I closed the front door, and ran to my friend's car.

"Hey, girl!", I greeted Jess with a wide smile on my face. I was excited for the roadtrip, but I was incredibly nervous with telling Vannessa about what I've been feeling lately...

"Gee. Took you long enough.", She said jokingly. I chuckled, and got into the backseat of the car.

Vannessa still wasn't here. Seems we still had to drive by her house to pick her up.

Me and Jess talked and gossiped for a while, it wasn't really that important honestly... just about random people and stuff. I enjoyed it either way.

In fact, I was so caught up in our conversation that I hadn't realized the car already stopped.

"Oh, wow, that was.. fast.", I said, I was starting to get a little nervous.

Jess laughed.

"Gee, Cris, I can see you shaking in your boots. I mean not quite literally. But, hey, don't be so nervous. Vannessa's really nice, and I' sure she would like you back.", She said with a reassuribg smile, pplacing her hand on my shoulder.

I smiled back at her, but then, I started overthinking it.

"But.. what if she doesn't like me back..?", I worried.

Jess thought for a while, before sighing.

"You and Vannessa would still be friends. She's really nice anyway. Plus, if that does happen... moving on might hurt, but you won't regret it once you've made it."

I listened to every word she said, and I smiled gratefully.

I've known Jess for, like, 4 years. I mean, we've had our problems, but she always made a way back to me or I always made a way back to her. She knows me like a clear crystal. And I' glad I have her in my life.

Then, suddenly, the car door beside me opened widely, and there she was.

The long-haired blonde, staring at me with those ethereal blue eyes. I was met with her undescribable smile.

I felt my cheeks turning red. Then, my thoughts were interrupted when she greeted me.

"Hey Cris, what'cha staring at?", She chuckled, before getting in the car, sitting right next to me.

"What? You're mesmerized by me or something?", She teased. I blushed, slapping her playfully.

'Oh, if only you knew.', I thought.

"Hey Jess!", She greeted Jess as well before she got comfortable in her seat.

Then, we're off.

... A few hours pass by.

Honestly, I'll admit, I'm not one used to the simplicity of life. Nature or anything.. I found it confusing and hard how people can live with no technology making their life easier, but I understand now.

We passed by mountains, oceans, and other admirable views. I understand now, honestly. Some people just prefer the beauty of nature over modern life.

A few more hours, and many more beautiful mountains and the wonderful scenery of the sunset, it was time to go home.

The ride home was pretty peaceful. Yeah, laughs from time to time, but mostly just quiet. I liked it..

.. But I also hated silence. It always trapped me in my stupid thoughts.

Gosh, even my own body sabotages me.

So far, I haven't told her anything yet.. I don't lnow how I'm going to do this..

What if she says no? What would she do? What would she think of me?

I was scared of the outcome. Was I still going to do this..?

I was ripped apart from my own little world of darkness when the Vannessa's door opened. She stepped out, saying her goodbyes.

But, I felt the need to just call out to her.

"Vannessa, wait, I...", The words just blurted out of my mouth.

Great. Now I'm getting myself into trouble.

Vannessa turned back, and once again, I'm met with those beautiful, alluring eyes.

"Hm?", She asked. Was I staring too long?

"I, uhm..", I couldn't find the words to tell her.

"Hey.. I really need to go. My parents would probably be mad if I take too long.", She explained with a worried expression. But she waited patiently for what I was going to say.

"...", I went silent, before looking away.

I didn't want to see her expression during this.

"... I love you."

I whispered under my breathe.

But she heard it.

".. You like me?", She asks.

I went silent for a while. I could play it off as a joke or just say yes.

"... Yes."

Silence. A few seconds of silence, then finally, she speaks.

"... Ew."

Disgust was crawling in her voice. I could even hear her face distorting to disgust.

My heart shattered.

Jess was surprised as well, as she looked back at us.

"... You don't?", I asked, my voice breaking as tears threatened to fall.

I dared not to breathe during this moment. I would feel intense pressure on my chest.

"... But you're a girl.", She said.

I felt my chest being crushed at that exact moment.

This was what I was scared of. Rejection and destruction.

A few minutes of silence passed by, before she sighed softly.

"... I'm sorry. But I don't love you back, Cristal. At least not in that way.", She said in a soft voice, seemingly guilty because of what she said earlier. Then, she left.

As the door closed, I couldn't help but turn my head slowly as she walked away into her house. Tears were falling.

Jess looked over at me with a concerned expression.

She tried her best to confort me, but to no avail.

... I was so naive, wasn't I?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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