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「 ??? ' S POV 」

As I woken in the asteroid belt as I felt confused wasn't I just in the spirit world with Theia and Chrysalis?. . .

I looked at my surrounding as I heard voices and hid behind an asteroid

Then but then I noticed an Old friend.. My own family...


He's changed so much since I.. Nevermind..

I looked back at the people talking and I noticed some of them were moons except for one..

The so called moon had sun glasses although he was very far from the sun.

And baby moons were following him? I'm guessing these are Neptune's Moons.

And Im guessing these other moons are Uranus's

I then slowly his behind an asteroid as I watched them silently

ˊ So. Uranus is- ˋ

I heard them laughing when they Mentioned Uranus's Name and Started to laugh.

That's not even how you say it! It's pronounced Yurr-en-us Not Pronounced Yurr-ay-nes!

I was pissed off when I then heard a voice that shook me to the core.

ˊ Now who are you Little Moon. . . ˋ

The Giant Planet Asked.. He had many eyes and a bandages. With a halo with a giant eye with it. With blood dripping from his mouth. . .

And Bandages. As he looked at me..

ˊ What the!? How can you see me. Your eyes! ˋ

I say as he cut me off

ˊ I have multiple Eyes remember. . . ˋ

He said as I just got awkward I forgot about that part-

ˊ Sorry about that.. I forgot that you.. Had.. Eyes?. ˋ

He then spoke up

ˊ it's fine my little one.. ˋ

He said his tone cold as ever...

I then looked over back at the other moons and the so called moon..

He noticed this action and also looked

ˊ Whats wrong.. Little one?. ˋ

He asked curiously

ˊ Their laughing at my planets name.. They don't know. ˋ

I say as he patted me on the head

He then disappeared leaving something behind.

It was a stone.. Of an eye I felt angry.. And sad

It's a miracle I'm back here.. But.. Not completely or entirely... I'm stuck.. As a spirit like Theia. Chrysalis.. Everyone..

I then felt angry and threw an asteroid and it almost hit the so called moon

Another moon screamed his name out


The moon said as the other moon dodged.

He looked where the asteroid was thrown as I hid behind an asteroid..

I then saw a light. It was the spirit world.. I then went to the light.

I saw Theia and smiled..

ˊ WHERE WERE YOU!? WE WERE SO WORRIED.. Wait.. Was that.. The real world you went into!? ˋ

She asked as I nodded...

ˊ Well.. Hopefully you got to see your planet again.. Also did you see Earth!? Was he okay?. ˋ

I nodded again as I spoke

ˊ He's fine Theia.. I'm just hoping Uranus is alright.. ˋ

I sighed as Theia Chuckled and Patted me..

ˊ Your so worried about your planet.. It's why he's cares about you.. It's why your the one who brings him joy and comfort knowing now your in a better place with us. He knows your okay.. ˋ


She said as I smiled and tears formed in my eyes as I wiped them away..

ˊ Yeah.. Your right Theia.. ˋ


Heya.. Looks like we have a mysterious character on our hands..
Actually 2.
Will we know who they are.. For now.
We know one...
Sleepris.. We don't know how he knows Uranus.. But he does.
I don't know but you'll figure out the lore for this au. My Lovely Watchers..

   - Anthony.. : )

Here's a picture I managed to catch of sleepris..

Although it's blurred..

Creepy but yet

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Creepy but yet.. We need to find. More research of him..
      - ? ? ?

Words Used : 641

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