My Final Words

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#1: I knew it was gonna happen, loverboy <3

I saw your insta last night

and it mentioned goodbyes

I prepared myself, are you proud?

I did cry, maybe it was just the song in the background that got me.. "Million Dollar Houses" by Pierce The Veil.. That song reminds me of you..

#2: I love how you used my own words.. It was comforting.. January 1st, 2023 at 1106PM

#3: I'll still hold Stitches the Bear tight every night when i sleep. I'll still talk to the moon and the stars. I'll cry so you can hear me. I'll keep my heart beating just so you can hear it when you go to sleep. 

#4: Our love was never meant to end, but sometimes things don't work out the way we plan.. But you know.. there is a place where it would never end.. Our dreams, hehe.. bummer, right?

I mean.. We have our whole lives ahead of us..Who knows what'll happen..

#5: I'm still debating if i should give Oliver a chance. I have mixed feelings about him and now he's ignoring me. So i might just wait until my "situationship", if it even is that anymore, comes back. You'd be surprised who it is, hehe.. My 6th grade best friend, again! You already know who that is.. 

#6: Everything I do is for you, I want to better myself, for you. I know what I want to do in my life, because of you. You made me realize I want to be a nurse. I want to travel and help people.. I'm going to specialize in mental health, y'know.. I realized it last night..

#7: Mental health is so fascinating.. All different things, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc, they're so captivating! 


You made life enjoyable.. You took away the pain..

#8: Stupid reference that you wouldn't get.. But, you fixed me.. (cheesy, ik)

My heart is truly beating for the first time in so long.. I feel alive..

#9: I love you.. I love you so, so very much.. Always, forever, infinitely, like i promised. 

never forget that i love you, i know that you know. 

#10 (our anniversary month hehe <3): College seems so long from now.. 3.5 years? August 2027.. Wow.. I'll see you there, right? Promise me.. Text me the moment you turn 18.. I'm sure I'll have insta by then hehe.. So just spam my inbox and I swear to you, we'll meet and get to love again!

But I know it's going to go by so fast.. That's how life is.. It goes faster the older you get.. 

And finally.. #11:  Please.. Never, ever forget me.. I'll always remember you..  I'll keep updating this book that way I never forget!

Hopefully they never block wattpad- If they do, I'll figure something out!!!

Goodbye stranger, thank you for teaching me how to love, not just myself, but you, and life itself.

You taught me so much and i am forever grateful. 

Permanently yours, always, forever, infinitely. Goodbye, darling..

Arlington is nice, my love.. hehe..


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