Faya raised up the crystal and a very bright light goes towards her. She closed her eyes, and was taken by the light. The 3 elementals wake up, found out Faya was lost. Aqua tried to cast a spell... But she became weak...
"Without an enemy, I'm as weak as an ant...I can't get the source of my powers without the opposite element..." Aqua gasped for air and collapsed.
"Agh...This head...is killing...me" Aqua mumbled.
"We have to get Faya back! The tournament will start in 5 months and that's short time for us!" cried Sashi.
Meanwhile, at the Kingdom of Robots and Technology...(KORT)
Master of Rituals: "All is lost, all is dead, nothing left, scare the weak, fear the strong. Conquer this woman, once and for all. Spellbound ÁÒÆÕÏðÍ (Spellbound Conquer)
A spell was casted on Faya. Her eyes were completely green, her hair has taken effect of the gravity, her personality has changed everything. As if she were a cyborg...
Sashi and the 2 other elementals search for her... they reach Faya, face to face....
Continued in Chapter 3: Sacrifice
Preview on Next Chapter: [SPOILER]
Faya is finally fixed, but her form is still a cyborg.
???: "AAAHHH!!!
Elementals: Faya?!
Tournament of Elements:Hunt of Ages
ActionHunt of Ages (read as Hunt of Ajis) The tournament of the Elemens is in 5 more months. The Elementals fight once more for the trophy of Elven Musika. Earth - Sashi Wind - Airie Fire - Faya Water - Aqua But Elven Musika's princess, Musika, had been...