Part 13

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I'm still thinking about our kiss when I wake up the next morning, snuggled up next to Y/N. I can't get the sexy sounds she made while I devoured her out of my head. All I can think about now is how I can get her to make more of those hot little breathy pants and moans for me.

I shift to human form and sit up, gazing at her.

She looks so peaceful and beautiful sleeping soundly in our bed. My eyes trace the lines of her face, then wander south over the curves of her breasts, her sloping waist and hips, and those sexy legs. Y/N sleeps in nothing but an old XL t-shirt and panties, and the hem of the t-shirt tends to ride up as she tosses and turns, revealing her bare midriff. She's not leaving much to the imagination.

I stroke my hands down her arms, up her thighs, and over her belly, letting my claws slide out to skitter gently over her skin and tease her. Even while asleep, my touch makes goosebumps form on her skin. She shifts and moans in her sleep, and my cock immediately springs to attention.

It would be so easy to taste her right here, right now. To take her and mark her as mine. I'm already naked. All I have to do is tug her cute pink panties to the side and—

A growl interrupts my lust-filled thoughts. Cody, in dog form, is awake and snarling at me. He shifts to human form as well and sends me a glare.

"Cock-blocker," I hiss at him under my breath.

"Perv," he hisses back, careful not to wake Y/N.

I sigh and take my hands off of her.

Fine, I'll just have to pick a time to corner Y/N when the idiot dog can't interrupt us. But I'll make my move. My cock won't be convinced to wait much longer, and my shifter instincts are demanding that I mark her as my mate as soon as possible.

She's shy, so I know she won't be making the first move, even though I can smell how much her body wants me anytime we're close. I'll just have to be the aggressive one in pursuing her. The panther within me is more than happy with that idea.

Cody and I get up and start our morning routines. We both walk around the house naked and unbothered about it. Shifters often end up naked around each other because we don't keep our clothes on while shifting, so we're not shy about our bodies. The only reason I ever bother to put on clothes in the apartment is because Y/N demanded (while blushing red as a tomato) that we at least wear pants at home.

Cody likes to get up early to work out and take care of some of the housework so that Y/N doesn't have to stress out about it. He may be an idiot, but that dog is certainly loyal to her, I'll give him that.

I need to get to campus early today to do some studying. I'm smart enough that acing all my college classes is easy, but even I have to sit down at some point and hammer out the many essays and projects that are due during midterm season.

Before I leave, I stop in the bedroom and plant a kiss on Y/N's forehead. Her eyelids flutter open and she gives me a sleepy half-lidded look of confusion.


"Mm-hm. I'm heading out to the library. I'll see you later in class, okay? Get some more rest," I whisper to her, stroking the hair out of her face.

"Okay," she mumbles. Her eyes close as she dozes right off again.

My hand lingers on her cheek. I wish I could crawl right back into bed with her. My panther hates the idea of leaving her alone, ever, and my human brain is starting to agree with him.

What if I just carry her with me and let her sleep in my lap while I work? But then again, I don't want anyone else to get to see her in her skimpy little panties and sleep shirt. That's for my eyes only.

Chasing Tail: A reader x shifters romanceWhere stories live. Discover now