The Last Class of the Day

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Pa-link! Pa-link! BA-DUM! BA-DUM! BA-DUM! Over the overall din of a high school choir classroom, someone was pounding on the piano keys as loudly and obnoxiously as they could. But under the din of the high school choir classroom, none of the students seemed to care. Even the few that glared at the "pianist" said and did nothing. It was the last class of the day. Everyone just wanted to go home. Well, almost everyone. Rinku seemed happy to bang away on the keys as long as she could, having cheerfully shoved Rei aside moments before, excited to play her own favorite songs on the piano just like Rei! Rei made it look so easy!

"Rinku!" Muni and Maho sighed in exasperation, Muni in the Soprano 1 section covering her face with her music binder while Maho got up from the Alto section to help Rei. Rinku couldn't hear them over her own loud singing and off-key playing. Also standing at the piano and laughing and singing was Kyoko. She was one of those "semi-try-hards". As the name entailed, that was someone who did try to do well in choir, even as the rest of the class goofed off just to kill time, but she also wasn't immune to her classmates' antics either. It was obvious by the look in her eye that although she was trying to sing well with Rinku's impromptu piano accompaniment, she wasn't taking it too seriously either.

Shinobu crouched behind the Alto section, hidden beneath the bleachers. Her airpods were in, and her video games were on. Yuka sat in the Soprano 2 section, chatting animatedly with anyone and everyone in ear shot, sometimes getting so loud that others had to remind her of her indoor voice. As always, a big, black camera hung at her neck. Yuka was hunting for the perfect photo op, especially since tonight was the spring concert!

This'll be perfect for the yearbook! She crawled along the bleachers like a spider, camera held out in front of her the entire time.

Esora was more like Shinobu, not as hidden, but certainly not paying any heed to anyone else. She sat at the top of the class, on the third row, the highest bleacher. Did she feel like a queen sitting on her throne above the peasants and common, unwashed masses? Her legs in their black tights were daintily crossed, music binder balanced delicately on her knee as she filed her nails, more interested in herself than anyone or anything.

Saki sat similarly silent, though unlike Esora, she lacked the air of self-importance. Instead, she alternated between studying her textbooks, and studying her classmates, silver eyes occasionally lifting from the pages to read her peers. But never once did the shy Soprano 1 in the bottom front row, the far corner of the bleachers, speak. The girl who usually might've sat nearby was unable to attend class that day, for she was at a track meet. She would be back in time for the concert and pre-rehearsal in the evening, though. Ibuki certainly was a busy student!

Noa sat on the other side of the room, with tenors and bases, laughing loudly over inside jokes about theater. They were always some of the most flamboyant choristers. Noa had one arm around the boy who was her "boyfriend" in the newest school play. Her fingers intertwined with his hair, fiddling with the short, brown locks as they laughed. At the same time, the girl who played Noa's "sister" in the play sat behind her, legs wrapped around Noa's waist from behind as they chatted.

"—yeah, 'cept you wouldn't stop screwin' around last rehearsal, so we all had to stay late!" Towa shouted from the Soprano 2 section. She hadn't meant to overhear Noa's conversation, but with Noa laughing loudly enough to fill the entire room, Towa couldn't help it!

"Oh, shut it, Towa!" Noa shouted back, and even they didn't seem to know if they were teasing or fighting. Good thing they liked the ambiguity! Then again, theater kids were always extra. They were dramatic, theatric!

Also in the Soprano 2 section, but seated on the floor rather than the chairs on the bleachers, was Rika. She sat cross-legged as she dealt out Cards Against Humanity cards. Marika was visiting from the Soprano 1s, and Dalia from the Altos. Cards with foul humor quickly stacked up.

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