15) hollow eyes.

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Fast asleep in your bed, a faint creaking noise jolts you awake. You quickly grab your phone and sweep the dim light of its screen around your room.

As the light reaches the end of your bed, you see a frightening face peeking up over the frame.

Its smile, wide enough to reach its hollow eyes, shows off two rows of needle-thin teeth and its long spindly fingers scrape against the blanket, almost tickling your toes. It just looks at you with its empty stare for what feels like an eternity while you're frozen in place with fear.

Suddenly, the phone's light sweeps up to the face of the thing that is creeping over your bed, and the creature recoils away with a screech. The light follows it as it quickly retreats from view, retreating deep within the murky shadows, vanishing within the darkness.

The adrenaline and fear of the encounter quickly begin to settle in your body, and your body begins to shake and tremble.

You immediately jump to your feet and rush to turn on the light, as you try to shake off the fear of the situation.

You search frantically around the room, but you see nothing out of the ordinary, everything seems normal, nothing seems odd or out of place.

But you can't shake off the feeling that there was something there, something watching you, something that disappeared into the shadows.

You stand there, trying to rationalize the experience, but something inside of you is telling you that there was something there, that the face really was there, and that it disappeared into the shadows.

You slowly walk around, checking behind the doors, and in the corners of the room, making sure that nothing is there.

You slowly walk into the bathroom, and turn on the light, feeling your heart beat faster as you check inside in the mirror and the bathroom cabinet.

You check the mirror, and your reflection stares back at you, your face pale and eyes wide, the look of fear still apparent.

You check the cabinet, then you turn around and look at the shower, making sure that the curtain is pulled back, and nothing is in there.

You suddenly hear another faint creaking noise somewhere in the house, the same noise that woke you up, and it sends chills up your spine.

You freeze, your breath catching in your throat, as the sound of the faint creaking noise echoes in the silence of the night.

You slowly get the urge to turn around, to look behind you, towards the sound, but you're so scared, and the urge seems almost too difficult to act upon.

You slowly force yourself to turn around, to face the direction of the sound, to face whatever was making it.

You feel every fiber of your being trembling, your muscles tensing under your skin, and your heart pounding in your chest.

And in the shadows, you see it. A face, slowly peeking around the corner, its wide, empty stare staring into your eyes, its mouth slightly open, as if it's grinning.

As you stare at the face, the face stares back at you, its grin becoming slightly wider, its empty stare filled with malice.

You're frozen in place, unable to move, your heart pounding in your chest, your breath catching in your throat.

The face slowly takes a step forward, its grin growing even wider, its arms reaching out towards you, its hollow eyes staring directly at you.

The face continues to step towards you, a soft creaking noise echoing as it moves across the floor, its arms reaching out towards you, fingers pointed in a claw-like shape, as it advances on you.

You're completely motionless, frozen in fear, terror flooding your body, sweat gathering on your forehead, as the face reaches you.

And just as the fingertips of its hands reach you, its arms slowly extend upwards, the hands stretching out until they're mere inches from your face..

You feel the presence of the hands hovering over your face, the fingers just inches away from touching you.

Your breath catches in your throat, the adrenaline beginning to pump through your body, as the palms of its hands graze the delicate skin on your cheeks, and you suddenly flinch backwards in shock.

You stumble back, bumping into the corner of the wall, your legs shaking underneath you, as the adrenaline and fear flood through your body.

The presence of the hands, no longer there, are a reminder of the presence that was in the room just a moment ago.

And despite that presence being gone, the feeling of unease, and the fear that it could come back at any second, lingers in the air.

You back up against the wall, trying to catch your breath, as you gaze around the room, making sure nothing else is there.

You slowly relax slightly, breathing deeply, but the feeling of unease and apprehension still lingers inside of you.

Your body is still tense and jittery, and you feel like you can't let your guard down completely, that whatever was there, could come back at any moment.

You keep looking around, making sure the room is empty, and as you do, you realize that the house is silent, almost unnaturally silent.

You hear no sounds, no creaks or moans, just silence.

894 words

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