Chapter 2: academy days

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He was released later that same day. He was glad he only had to spend one night in the hospital and thus he was very glad to leave. While Iruka-sensei hadn’t stayed long to visit, he still liked that conversation better than the one he had had with Yamanaka-sensei later on.

"I heard you had a visitor earlier?" Yamanaka-sensei raised an eyebrow as she smiled at him.

He nodded. “Sensei visited me, but he couldn’t stay long." His sensei did have a class to teach after all, but Naruto didn't mind. He was glad someone had shown up at all.

"Still, bonds are important, even if it’s only with your sensei." She smiled at him. Tsuna flinched as he was reminded of everyone that was left behind. The hole in his heart ached.

Yamanaka-sensei frowned as she noticed his reaction. "Did no one else come to visit you?"

"I… I don't think… I don't really have friends." He had a lot of trouble getting the sentence past his lips. It was a hard truth…

He hated how everything in this life seemed to remind him of his lost family.

Tsuna shifted uncomfortably as he walked through the village. It was starting to get dark outside and he could feel people glaring at him. Some were being subtle about it, while others couldn't be more obvious. It made him feel very small and miserable.

It also made him very twitchy… He was glad he could remember where his/Naruto's apartment was. It would have caused a lot of trouble and awkward questions if he didn't know where to go…

Entering his apartment for what felt like the first time only emphasised his loneliness. Again… The door hadn't been locked. He recalled never really bothering with that. With his heart beating loudly in his ears, he gently pushed open the door.

It was a small, old apartment.

He stepped hesitantly on the wooden floor.

"T-tadaima." He hadn't realised he had spoken.

Paint was cracking off the walls. He entered directly into the living area. There was a place to take off his shoes by the door. There was a square short-legged table on the left side of the room with some mismatching pillows. In the right corner he could see what looked like a small and old open <kitchen, with lots of garbage… He would need to clean that soon. A few potted plants were sitting on the window sill.

There was also an open door with a small hallway with two other doors.

Silently he went to see. The right door revealed a small single bedroom. A western bed, some shelves, a small wardrobe and a large window, showing a strange small, rectangular balcony. He took a deep breath to help him calm down, and made for the wardrobe.

"What the-?" Orange.

The same jumpsuit. The same bright orange jumpsuit. Over and over again… Was there really nothing else?

He liked the colour of his flames but this was exaggerated, and if it was anything like the one he was already wearing, these would be too big as well… He had known this, had contemplated this in the hospital yet still, what was the saying? Seeing is believing? He rummaged through the clothes on the bottom and found a pair of simple black pants and an orange shirt.

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