Brother Against Brother

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It hadn't been two years since Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York Territory and former Duke of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12 passed away at the age of 87 before his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory had started a family fuel between his two brothers, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, Duke of Sussex Territory and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second, Duke of Cambridge Territory.

It all began when Lord Andrew Charles Howard insults his Duchess, Lady Karissa and the news travels to The Dukedoms of Cambridge and Sussex Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory is with his son, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory and Lord Andrew Charles insults Lady Karissa in front of his oldest son, Lord Anthony Christopher and with Lord Anthony Christopher is Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second who tells his father, Lt Kevin Thomas Riley who is the best friend of both Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lord David William Beck, Earl of Essex Territory and Lady Karissa, Duchess of Norfolk, Lady Susan, Duchess of Wessex Territory and Lady Katherine, Countess of Essex Territory and to make it worse, Lady Susan son is married to Lady Karissa's eldest daughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, Lady Katherine's son is married to Lady Karissa's second daughter, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene, Duchess of Clarence Territory.

Lady Elizabeth once contacts her sister, Lady Samhain and Lord Kevin Thomas Riley tells his father, Lt Kevin Thomas Riley in turn who contacts Lady Susan and Lady Katherine, and Lord Richard William Carey, contacts his two second cousins, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, Duke of Sussex Territory is not happy about his youngest brother insulting the mother of his heiress, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, who is born on her oldest sister and first cousins 20th birthday in 2295.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third is sitting in the living room at Sussex Estate and Manor with his two year old daughter, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann in his lap 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third is sitting in the living room at Sussex Estate and Manor with his two year old daughter, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann in his lap 

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and he summons his younger brother to Sussex Estate and Manor to discuss the matter.and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second rides out to Sussex Estate and Manor to find out why his oldest brother is mad at their youngest brother and when he arrives Lady Millicent with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann is on her lap with Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third

and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second rides out to Sussex Estate and Manor to find out why his oldest brother is mad at their youngest brother and when he arrives Lady Millicent with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann is on her lap with Lord Charles ...

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 and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second asks "What is making you mad brother?"

"One person, Lord Patrick William The Second." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Third tells his younger brother.

Lady Millicent looks at her brother in law, " Lord Patrick William Howard. My sister is married to Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and my son and daughter are Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second first cousins just as my children are first cousins to Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory, Lady Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk Territory, Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory, Lord Albert Edward, Duke of Kent Territory, and Lady Sophia Dorothea, Duchess of Gloucester and not to speak of with Lord Edward, Lady Margery and Lord Willliam Seymour." Lady Millicent states.

"Neither of my sisters are amused and neither are their husbands and especially Kevin Thomas Riley." Lady Millicent states.

"My father and mother are not aristocrats. We are from a good gentry family. Your brothers like Lord John Seymour and Lt Kevin Thomas Riley took us without a dowry." Lady Millicent explains.

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann is the daughter of Lady Karissa Elizabeth and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third. I don't want her mother's name slinged in the mud." Lady Millicent states.

"Lord Charles Andrew The Third loves all three of his children, Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Fourth and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann." Lady Millicent states.

"Do you want to see all your late father's hard work go down the drain and undone by your youngest brother?" Lady Millicent asks.

"My sister told me that my brother-in-law, Kevin is on the warpath against Lord Andrew Charles and my husband will join him if Lord Andrew Charles is not stopped from insulting Lady Karissa.' Lady Millicent explains.

"Brother. Our niece is his biggest enemy. Lady Elizabeth will not allow anyone to insult her mother and neither will our second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey nor Lord David William Beck.' Lord Patrick William explains.

"From the day she was born she had been groomed to become Duchess of Norfolk Territory. "Lord Patrick William The Second states.

"Brother. Lady Elizabeth has already told our brother once her daughter is grown and has a daughter that she will abdicate in favor of her daughter, Lady Karissa Ann." Lord Charles Andrew The Third tells Lord Patrick William The Second.

"Bro, our great-niece is only three years old." Lord Patrick William The Second explains.

"Lady Karissa won't be 18 until 2315 just like Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann."

"I do believe that Lady Sophia Dorothea is older than Lady Karissa Ann or Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann by five years and by then she will be married and she is Duchess of Gloucester Territory." Lord Patrick William The Second explains.

"Lord Albert Edward is five years old than Lady Sophia Dorothea by then he will be married and have children and Lord Anthony Christopher is five years older than Lord Albert Edward and surely he will have children by then and Lady Samhain is four years older than Lord Anthony and she will have children." Lord Patrick William Howard The Second tells him.

"Yes, but the problem is that our youngest brother is causing division between our family." Lord Charles Andrew The Third and "I don't want my precious daughter hurt by her vicious, thoughtless brother, Lord Andrew Charles." Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third explains.

"I will stand with Lt Kevin Thomas Riley, Lord Richard William Carey, Lord David William Beck, Lord Frederick William Howard The Third, Lord Thomas William Howard, but will you?" Lord Charles Andrew The Third asks.

"I have to think about after all he is the one that created me Duke of Cambridge Territory as he created you Duke of Sussex Territory and he created Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, Duke of Wessex Territory and what about our little sister, Lady Frederica. He could reduce her to a no-body." Lord Patrick William The States.

"Lord Andrew Charles could reduce Lady Autumn Bridget to a no-body and my son, Lord David Frederick to a no-body, and your daughters and son to a no-body." Lord Patrick William states " He could do the same to Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey." Lord Patrick William The Second tells him.

"Our children still have their trust funds established by Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and nothing can take that away from him." Lord Charles Andrew The Third states.

"Lady Elizabeth wouldn't dare let Lord Andrew Charles reduce her cousins to a no-one." Lord Charles Andrew The Third states.

"I am prepared to force our brother to step down in favor of our niece, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane." Lord Charles Andrew The Third states.

Lord Patrick William Howard The Second looks at his oldest brother and answers " I will stand you but I won't like it."

"Why don't we try to reason with Lord Andrew Charles first and make him see sense that he is tearing our family apart just like our grandfather and great-grandfather once did." Lord Patrick William Howard The Second asks his brother.

"Lord Patrick William Howard The Second. You are welcome to try, but I am telling you it won't work." Lord Charles Andrew The Third explains.

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