From darkness we give light

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Every story begins with darkness....
Sindre sat in this darkness... Alone and shaking...
This was where she belonged... and where she would no doubt perish like her mother before her...

This was to be her existence...

Until she saw a small spark, a glimmer in the distance.. She looked up curiously, unwrapping her wings from her body as she reached forth to this intrusion upon her darkness, but it was far from her. With a small pained gasp, she tried to move, to crawl to the source of light, falling over and over again, and as she struggled to continue, the light stretched to her, enveloping her hand. Sindre felt the warmth and love in her palm and looked up, surprised at the light as it spoke, almost ethereally, into her mind.

Fear not, my child... For I am here to guide you...

Sindre felt a surge of energy from this radiant handhold, and found she was able to stand, the cold and the aching from her time in darkness beginning to fade. She got up with the help of the strange being before her, which was beginning to take shape not too much unlike Sindre's own. Wings unfolding from a downy body, delicate legs reaching down to meet the ground and illuminate their surroundings. Sindre looked up to see the rays atop their head slowly condense into three crownlike prongs.

She gazed adoringly at the divine being standing there, "I... what are you..?" Sindre asked.

I am simply known as the Radiance, child, i am a collection of all the light for the overworld...

"Ive.. never seen light before.." Sindre looked down embarrassedly.

The Radiance chuckled lightly and gently tilted Sindre's head up, "then allow me to show you it's beauty..." she then spread her arms as though to reach the horizons, letting her light shine over the terrain, showing surrounding flora and fauna bathed with lively colors, and beginning a new age of vibrance..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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