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Amara had done what she intended to do. The morning after her and Aemond's wedding, when they were welcomed to court officially as a wed couple, there was no doubt about their consummation. Word travelled fast from the maidservants who attended to their bedchamber that there was blood on the linens. That, combined with the account from knights who whispered about the noise they heard from the married couple's bed, left no question about their match.

It was a start. Especially when Amara noticed the puffed chest of Aemond as he was recognized for doing his duty as a husband and the pretty wife he had. Even Aegon made a comment veering in the direction of positive, which was as good as Aemond would ever get from him.

There were many tales spun by Amara about their night together. From what she knew of her husband, being respected by the court, by his family and by those in the castle, was what he wanted most. If she could work to make that happen, he would be happier and therefore more eager to work with her. It was all a big game Amara was intent on winning.

Aemond seemed to be content with a wife, with Amara. After their first night, things were definitely more relaxed. He had a wife who encouraged him, was interested in the things he studied, watched him train, and spoke to him without the dulcet tones of those forced to speak with him. Amara was a new addition to the castle who, in his eyes, respected him. That felt good.

But even she could tell that he was still holding back. Withholding his most personal feelings from her. Everything from Aemond was surface level. He was doing his duty and that was it. Nothing further, no attempt at becoming closer to Amara. Perhaps he kissed her cheek once in a while in public, walked with her in the halls, and ate dinner with her. But there was no goal or intention behind those actions. They were his duty, so he performed them.

The same could be said for their attempts at conceiving a child. It has yet to evolve to be an expression of love instead of an act of duty. Amara found no pleasure in a loveless performance. Aemond fucked her until he was finished and nothing more. No preamble before, no compliments, nothing to make Amara feel anything from being used only for his release and nothing more. They hardly slept in the same bed, either, because Aemond often encouraged Amara to take a bath after they were finished and by the time she was done, it was easier for Amara to sleep in her own bed than with him.

He was doing his duty to her. Amara had to have hope that it would improve as they spent more time together.


It lasted about five months. Amara wasn't really counting but from her memory, that was how long Aemond put in the effort to be a good husband to Amara.

There was a period of time when they got closer. When Aemond would ask Amara about her day without prompting, when he would spend time with her without complaint, and when the way he fucked her seemed a little more personal.

He'd even complimented her and her ideas once. "The flowers in here," Aemond said, referring to the plants Amara brought to their quarters as decoration. "They're pretty." He was rewarded with a genuine smile from Amara. Their rooms had felt empty to her and she missed home, so she brought flowers to help remind her of the Reach. She's even gifted some to Helaena, who placed them in her rooms as well.

It felt like they could become a true partnership. That Amara could be content with her prince husband. There was a routine they had, he would return to their rooms around the same time, kiss her cheek in greeting, and eat dinner with her. Despite Amara's lack of conception five months into their marriage, she thought they were doing well. Sometimes it felt actually domestic.

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