Torturing Ian

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Torturing Ian

Ms. Perfect meets Her Mr. Mistake special

The sound of glasses shattering brought me out of the trance I was in my eyes left the television and unto the shattered glasses scattered along the floor. I looked at my trembling hands and decided that whiskey would calm my nerves so I walked straight to the desk never minding the glasses piercing my feet; I grabbed the decanter and took a swig.

My legs shook and I sank to the floor.

God, what have I done?

My whole body shook as a sob raked through me.

What have I done?

I ignore the continued ringing of my phones. I couldn't talk to anyone. I can't.

I heard the door opened and I looked up only to see a body of men in black suits and men in uniform. I knew this was coming. I knew it and I should have done something to prevent it. I should have run but I needed this. I deserved this.

They didn't speak. Two men yanked me up, handcuffed me and they ushered me out of the room and out of the house.

Outside the house, SUVs were parked and men in uniform guarded the whole parameter.

Inside the car, they put a bag on my head so I couldn't see anything. It should have scared me. No one knew where I was headed. No one knew I was being taken. They'd probably kill me and the world would never thought of me.

I deserved it.

I was a murderer.

For all the horrible things I've done this was far the most heinous and unforgivable thing I've done.

I would deserve whatever they wanted to do with me for I murdered Elena's family. Because I couldn't deal with the pain of losing another woman I let the pain control me. I let that darkness control me.

The car stopped and they hauled me out of the car. They led me wherever it was they were taking me.

Once they were done, they took the handcuff off me and pulled the bag out of my head. I scanned the room. It was steel; everything was made of metal.

I turned my head to the door when I heard it open. There entering was the President of the Philippines, the General, three soldiers and two of the PSGs.

It happened so fast, the fist landing my nose, the president threw a mean punch. I stepped back, my hands on my bloody nose.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." President Rodriguez sneered. "You dare kill my daughter? I should have killed you the moment I found out you laid a hand on my daughter! You worthless piece of bag!"

"Kill me then." I said looking into his eyes, his eyes full of hatred and mine full of regret.

"Oh I will. But I won't kill you now. Killing you easily would not be worth it. You deserve a painful death." He nodded to the soldiers, "Torture him until he confesses to the air bombing in Leyte and Davao."

My eyes widened. "There's no air bombing."

He looked me dead in the eyes, "There will be now. And I will make sure your family pay for it." He grabbed the white handkerchief the PSG handed out and wiped out the blood. "If I can't use the assassination then I will make crimes for you."

It didn't make sense yet it did. I understood little but the haze of alcohol clouding my mind I couldn't fully comprehend.

He nodded again at the soldiers and one of them headed straight to me. He punched me in the gut and I moaned in pain. The two held up my arm as the other continued to punch me.

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