Chapter seven - party

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You're welcome. I had to put so much thought into this chapter 😪 but I hope it came out nicely. Enjoy reading~


The day of the party finally rolled around.

Vaggie and Charlie were the centre of attention, of course, it was their day after all. Because of this, nobody really noticed Lucifer and Alastor sneaking off together.

Without context, that may have caught some of you off-guard. But I will deliver now the context and retrieve you from excited confusion.

Lucifer was tired. Tired of Alastor. Tired of pretending he's in a good mood. Tired of acting like he doesn't get a fluttery feeling in his stomach every time the radio demon so much as crosses his mind.

"Alastor, we need to talk."

Alastor raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall, folding his arms. His smile became a sneer.

"And what is this pressing matter that requires you to kidnap me in such a way?" He rolled his eyes.

Lucifer wasn't having it and grabbed Alastor's lapels, pulling the radio demon down to his level.

"Don't fucking patronise me, you lanky bitch. Now listen here."

Alastor's smile became cramped and his eyebrows lowered as he listened to Lucifer.

"You think you're so much better than me, don't you? You think that because- because you're- you're tall... you can do whatever you want! Well, I'm-"

Alastor raised his eyebrow.

"The King of Hell? Is that what you're going to say?" Alastor gently removed Lucifer's hands from his lapels and smoothed them out as he spoke.

"You are indeed the King of Hell, yet still..."

Alastor now grabbed Lucifer's lapels and turned him quickly, so that Lucifer was pinned between him and the wall. The short king's face turned undeniably red.

"You allow me to do things like this~."
Alastor purred the words, his red eyes glowing in the shadow.

Lucifer stared up at him, trying not to breathe. Because if he were to breathe, Alastor would notice how ragged it was, and that would be quite embarrassing. He just hoped Alastor couldn't see how flushed his face had become.

"How does this feel, Lucifer? Being pinned so helplessly to a wall by a demon so inferior to you in power?"

Alastor grinned menacingly, but unbeknownst to him, it didn't have to desired effect. Instead of feeling scared, Lucifer just felt those butterflies again, dancing around in his stomach.

"You're pathetic." He hissed, and let go.

Finally, he walked back to the party. Lucifer shook his head and tried to compose himself, but his heart would not stop beating so quickly. He felt flustered, and he could feel how hot his face was.

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