Dirty Dice [SUNSUN]

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Wonyoung, Jungwon, and Niki could not contain their excitement as they gathered in Sunoo's cozy apartment on Saturday evening, trying to convince him to join them for the highly anticipated party being thrown by the infamous Jake later that night.

"Sunoo, you've just got to come out with us tonight!" Wonyoung pleaded as she paced back and forth across Sunoo's living room. "Jake's parties are legendary - they're always an absolute blast, and this one is supposed to be even crazier than usual!"

Jungwon chimed in eagerly from his perch on the arm of the sofa, "Yeah, I heard they're setting up some really cool games and activities, like beer pong, spin the bottle, and a dance-off competition! It'll be the perfect way to blow off some steam after a long week of studying."

"And you know what they say, all work and no play makes life super dull!" added Niki with a dramatic sigh while he sprawled out on the floor.

"Come on, Sunoo hyung, live a little! College is about more than just classes and books - it's about making memories with your friends!"

Sunoo bit his lip uncertainly, still looking hesitant while he sat curled up on the couch. "I don't know, you guys those parties tend to get pretty out of control. I'm just not really in the mood for all the drama and chaos tonight."

Sensing his apprehension, Wonyoung rushed to reassure him. "We'll stick together the whole time and look out for each other! If things start getting too wild, we can always leave early. But I really think you should give it a chance - it'll be so much fun if we all go together!"

"Yeah, and don't forget the food!" Jungwon added enthusiastically. "Jake always orders the most amazing stuff for his parties. Remember those mini burgers from last time? I've been craving more of those ever since!"

Niki gave Sunoo a playful wink. "Plus, who knows, you might meet someone special there! College parties are great places for romance to spark, after all."

Sunoo laughed softly at his friend's antics. "Alright, alright! You've convinced me - I'll go. But only because you've made it sound way too good to pass up." A spark of excitement flashed in his eyes at the thought of what the night could hold.

"Yes!" Wonyoung cheered, high-fiving Jungwon and Niki triumphantly. "You're going to have the best time, Sunoo, I just know it. This will be a night you'll never forget!"

Indeed never.

Jungwon grinned at Sunoo eagerly. "Get ready for some real fun!"

"We'll make sure all you notice is the awesome time we're having together, not any silly drama." Niki added sincerely.


Sunoo let out a long sigh, his friends had left and told him to pick at 8, it's already 7:30 p.m. He knew that Jake's parties were always wild and out of control, full of drinking and raucous behavior.

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