Chapter 23

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Jungwon's Pov

It's been weeks since everything happened, I don't know what should i do next... I don't have the energy to do anything else beside laying in this cold empty room heeseung hyung went to school, i know that just because something happened doesn't mean he has to or have to stay with me. After all he have or maybe has his own life

I know I'm being a burden, i have bother him too much, he's not even involve in everything that had happened... I don't know what's going into his mind, i also don't know why he lets me stay with him... temporarily I don't planned staying any longer tho, i had caused him too much trouble

I know I can't stay like this forever, i know that i have to face everything but right now i don't know my next move yet... Should i go there?
But where?
My house?
School? I don't know...
I don't even know where to start. it's like I'm stuck in a deep hole...i feel pathetic i knew that i was stuck into this deep hole but I'm not doing anything.

*/As jungwon walk towards the balcony/*

Is my life are going to stay like this? Am i gonna let myself stay like this?
I don't know who to trust anymore.

I've been shutting people out...i know it was no good, i know that shutting people out wont help, I'm well aware that it will worsen everything if i kept shutting people out.
But can you blame me?

My friends keep calling me , they want to know what happened, they want to know if I'm in a good state ,they are worried about me... I'm such a bad friend (*jungwon scoffed and laugh at himself ) they are always caring, Loving and protective yet all i did was make then worried...

*/jungwon unlocked the balcony door/*

Why be friends with me when they can find someone better than me? Maybe Daniel? He could be better than me He can do better... He's the son my mom wanted they love him dearly...but what about me? I'm their child too...i kinda feel like it would have been better if i died in that accident... would it make me feel less lonely? Would it make me feel happy if i die?or i wouldn't feel anything at all?i sometimes think that it's better to no feel anything and be numb rather than having a feelings at all...

Heeseung hyung is the only person that I've let my guard down so far right now... I'm still not ready to talk to anyone beside him. I am really thankful to have him... Atleast someone in my life loves me and even care about me truthfully... beside my friends.

*/He climbed on to the balcony*/

Am i being dramatic?
Am i going to be stuck in here forever? Please can someone atleast try to give me a sign or heads up if I'm going to be stuck here forever or not...

When will i be free from this thoughts, this cruel world and this life? Now I've realized how unfair life is. How come they love my brother more than me? I'm their son too.. we almost look the same how?

Am i their mistake?

The cold breeze Hits my face as i closed my eyes and Opened my arms its already 7pm I found it peaceful being alone although sometimes i miss heeseung hyung...and my feelings about him? I'm not that sure if i do really like him or not...

Am i doing the right thing?
Am i just going to escape?
They'll understand me right?
They will understand why i did this... right?

I was busy on my thoughts and about to jump off when i heard the door opened


Heeseung's Pov

I got home later than usual , i have to run some errands i brought me and jungwon's food i also went to grocery to buy the things we need... I keep having this unsettling feeling, i don't feel i sick or it's just my guts

I wonder what we're wonwon might be doing right he doing alright?...i hope so

I think this is enough as heeseung push the cart in the cashier to pay i don't know why this unsettling feeling kept bugging me I'm getting annoyed now and worried at the same time.

I think i should head home.

I went home, parked my car and stepped in the elevator...have i mentioned it before that i own condominium is on the 7th floor? No? Now I've mentioned it.

My heart kept pumping so i nervous? I pushed the button that says 7th floor and when i arrived there i went to my door and opened it.

But when i opened the door the first thing i saw is a standing jungwon on the balcony, arms wide open. I was facing his back my heart aches when i saw this scene...this isn't him this isn't my wonwon THEY BROKE MY WONWON

"JUNGWON!" I shouted panicking
"please don't do this we could fix everything together you're not alone wonwon please " i said panicking, cold sweats dropping from my forehead, it hurts me seeing my wonwon like this...i feel like my heart had been stabbed a million times

I can see him being startled by me i was talking to him while slowly getting near him and my groceries? It all went to the floor as i dropped everything, it's not important right now what's important is to save this poor cat looking guy that i love.

"You know that you can't escape this like that please don't do this you still have me , your friends they are worried about you.We are all worried about you so please don't do this" i said as i slowly getting near to him, he just started at me blankly i wonder what's going on to his mind when i can reached him i immediately pulled him down as he fell on top of me


"WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING! YOU STILL HAVE ME! DON'T DO IT AGAIN PLEASE! I CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE YOU I CAN'T! "I Said as i hug him tightly i can feel my tears streaming down my face but I don't care. what's more important right now is my wonwon

"I'm sorry hyung" he simply answered
"I can't loose you please talk to me we'll figure everything out but not this way okay?you almost killed me too i feel like my heart dropped with my groceries i bought when i saw you there" i said and jungwon just giggled
"Why are you laughing you pabo" i said annoyed but happy inside hearing him laugh

"Nothing hyung I just find you cute" jungwon said as i blushed

"Come on help me pick up the groceries i bought and we'll talk about what to do next later " i said as i started collecting the scattered groceries on the floor

HENLOOO I WAS SOOOOO BUSY i have totally forgot about this story but I'll try my best to update as much as possible

I didn't checked if there's any typos or grammatical mistakes so please bare with it mwuah!</3💖

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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