01 ⼺ One Princess, Two Sisters

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*ੈ✩‧₊˚  In the grand chambers of the palace, where courtly activities and bustling servants usually filled the air, a heavy silence reigned

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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ In the grand chambers of the palace, where courtly activities and bustling servants usually filled the air, a heavy silence reigned. The kingdom's beloved Princess lay on her bed, her vibrant demeanor overshadowed by a grave illness that had taken hold.

King Keigo stood vigil by her bedside, his stern countenance softened by worry and concern. Despite his daughter's pain, his thoughts were consumed by the weight of his kingdom's future. If his only heir were to perish, what fate awaited their realm?

"What is the cause of this illness?" Keigo's voice echoed with frustration and fear, reflecting his desperation. Was this a divine punishment? Had he somehow incurred the wrath of the gods? "Is there no remedy, no cure?"

Dr. Chiyo, the chief physician, spoke with a heavy sigh. "Your Majesty, we have exhausted all known remedies, yet the nature of the princess's ailment remains a mystery. It's as if her body is battling against an unknown enemy."

The king's fists clenched in anguish. The uncertainty gnawed at him, questioning his every action and decision. How could he have angered the gods to this extent? The silence that followed his questions was deafening, emphasizing the helplessness that gripped both the royal chambers and his heart.

The King's gaze swept over his trusted advisors, their shared concern palpable in the chamber. "What do you suggest we do?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

One of his advisors, spoke cautiously. "Your Majesty, perhaps it's time to consider what would have if the Princess..." The advisor trailed off, his unspoken words clears as day to everyone in the room. No one believed that the Princess would survive after working tirelessly for weeks to better her condition, any hope for a miracle was replaced with the harsh truth.

A flicker of anger ignited in the King's eyes. "Are you suggesting I prepare for the worst while my daughter lay dying? Do you think me that cruel?" His words mirrored his own frustrations, directed not just at his advisors but at himself. "There must be another way. And you," he turned to Dr. Chiyo, "will find it, heal her. If she dies then all of you will have your head to pay for it."

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