Teenage Heartbreak Queen.

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*Haru. Aka Sanzu Haruchiyo. Age 17.*

His leg couldn't stop shaking..

So much that Mikey had to hold it still with his own hand. Only for the damn thing to start moving again when Mikey let go.

"Calm down Haru. She'll be here."

"It's Sanzu now remember. I don't like Haru anymore."

Mikey nodded as he held down Sanzu's leg once again.

Sanzu bit at his thumbnail. You couldn't get here soon enough. All summer you had been gone, away at a music camp that you've been begging your brother to go to.

And no, it wasn't one of those cheap ones. It had a long waiting list and you've been waiting for a place since the summer you turned 12... Five whole years you've been waiting!

It was a camp that Sanzu himself could never afford to go to. Your brother was only able to afford to let you go because he and Benkie opened a gym that had a lot of bodies flooding in and out.

He was sure if he asked, Wakasa and Shin would have helped but he was tired of them always having to take care of him. But it was fine, whatever you learned at camp you were sure to teach him.

He just missed you so much. It was the longest you've ever been separated. It was pure hell on Haruchiyo's end.

"Didn't you see her last night?"

Sanzu looked up at Draken. He was a new-ish addition along with Kazutora. (Who was late also?) Mikey had brought both of them over one summer in middle school. Then came Mitsuya, Pah, Peh, Takemichi, and his girlfriend. You all sort of just became this weird group of friends. But he wasn't as close to them as he was with you.

Sanzu sighed. "No. The train was delayed and she was tired so she had to stay another night in Kyoto. We just talked on the phone for a bit."

Mikey hummed beside him. "That's something. I haven't heard from her since our last letter. Sucks they didn't let them use phones at the camp."

Draken nodded. "I bet it was a cult. If she offers you something to drink don't take it."

Sanzu rolled his eyes and continued looking on. His heart beating like crazy when he heard a familiar muffler getting closer.

"Does that sound like Wakasa's bike or?"

Mikey shut up while Draken put himself on high alert. He could probably hear better from all the way up there.

"Sounds like it-- Who the hell is that?"

Who the hell was that indeed?! It was Wakasa's but--

Mikey choked on whatever he was eating. "Is that Y/n?! Where did she get those?"

You were only gone for 3 months.. and in those 3 months, puberty hit you like a truck! And "those". Well, those were boobs. You didn't have THOSE before you left.

And it turns out they weren't the only ones who noticed. Some random dudes had the balls to stop and look at you as Wakasa was talking to you about something.

The look Waka gave them-- they were sure one of the boys waddled away from shiting himself.

Then came the sibling bickering. They could hear Wakasa talking and trying to make sure your skirt was to your knees. (He's been doing that but now he seems more annoyed about it)

Then they heard him say something about a nun school?

You looked so embarrassed. And the only ones laughing were Mikey and Draken.

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