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It was a classic, expensive, and first-rate hotel suite in the area. Xavier wanted to interrupt. Had interrupted for him to take over, but Sugar had thrown him such a questionable glance that he had shut up. The woman he was dealing with was a top-notch. He had understood that when she had slapped few thousand-dollar bills on their table and had said to the waitress, "keep the change."

Xavier had taken a back-step. She led the way and she was doing it in a way which even he found impressive. Sugar had taken him to her Benz. With that much alcohol, she should've hesitated but she didn't.

He had asked later in the car holding onto his dear life and seatbelt, "You sure have a driving license?"

She had smirked. "The thing that you've promised to drive inside me, you got driving license for that?"

Xavier had taken a deep breath. Moved away all the images his brain had created. Licked his lips and then continued, "I am sure you would know by performance."

"Which area of my performance is giving you any doubts?"

Xavier shut up. He wasn't going to win this. He looked and felt more drunk than Sugar. He would give her that. Xavier was habituated of holding his head high, his words short and dealt with the situation. Sugar did the same. He was ashamed to mention but she was doing better than him. She had stopped in front of a luxurious hotel, threw the keys to the ballet and headed to the reception. Xavier followed her. Before he knew, he believed he landed in one of their best rooms. Woman of the future.

"I am going to take a bath first." Without waiting for an answer, she was already on her way. Xavier sat on the bed tuning into CBN. He wanted another of his drinks. Gods, only knew, how he had stopped himself from joining the party into the bathroom. Till she came out, the drinks had arrived. He had opened and poured the scotch in his glass. When Sugar came and joined him on the bed, "he got one for him too."

She refused, "it's only a waste."

Xavier was genuinely curious. She was only having the bathrobe when she had come out. Her features were sharp and accentuated. Her eyes flashed emerald in dim light, her rosy lips invited him to give her a dark sinful kiss. His voice gone rough, "What kind of woman has no effect of alcohol on her?"

She was lost on the screen in front of him. After hearing that, she looked at him. Her confused and perplexed glanced turned him on in so many ways. He was looking for control to not grab her and push her into the bed and use her for all the pleasures he could have.

"Do you think it's weird?" Sugar asked him in just little than a murmur. He was compelled to ask himself, where that confident woman from earlier went.

"No. Just not something that usually happened to somebody." She nodded and turned her face to the tv. Her cheek was a shade redder. Xavier was trying to make the situation light. He could feel the tension among them. He had thought about starting with a drink. But it wasn't going to work. He cleared his throat. She was waiting.



"Do you mind if I kiss you? I really think we should start it. Or do you want something else?"

"I like your kiss." Yes. Xavier knew that. But coming from her mouth hit different. Something bloomed inside him. He had had millions of compliments but he never thought anything of it. He stared at her for a moment longer. Perhaps, it was the innocent and shyness of her behaviour that was kicking him in his balls.

"Then, we definitely should start from there." He put his hands inside her hair. Ah! Those silky golden curls. Her lips curled up as she closed her eyes. Xavier lightly brushed her cheekbones and then, it occurred to him; he was holding a beautiful creation in his hands. He couldn't stop admiring and get to the job. When he didn't start, she slowly opened her eyes. "You're so beautiful, Sugar."

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