I'm not a student

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"Well...I guess this is it" Areum said, staring at the clinic infront of her. Her palms were growing sweaty with anxiety as she creased the sleek white paper in her hand.

She let out a sigh and relaxed her body as best as she could, taking two steps further to open the door. The clean smell found in every doctor's office or hospital instantly invaded her senses. Her eyes scanned the somewhat empty waiting room, relief taking over as she realised it wasn't exactly the busiest clinic in town either.

"Hi, who do you have an appointment with today?" The receptionist smiled at her. Juri, her name tag read. Areum smiled at the woman in her late twenties, a fee years older than herself before bowing politely

"I'm actually here to hand in my CV...I'm looking for a job here" Areum said with a small voice, clearing her throat afterwards to not seem to anxious

"Ah...we're not hiring students at the moment—"

"I'm not a student. So...please." Areum said quickly, pursing her lips into a tight smile making the nurse freeze in her movements. Juri's lips parted with slight surprise at her persistence. Juri took another short glance at the paper before looking back up to the girl.

"Sorry...it's just that you look quite young" Juri said and Areum decided to play stupid and push a strand of her hair behind her ear

"Thanks" she smiled, as if it was a compliment when they both knew it wasn't. Juri blinked twice and smiled awkwardly, nodding her head slowly before placing the sheet of paper on the stack of other miscellaneous paperwork and invoices

"I'll see what I can do" Juri smiled, turning back to her computer screen to avoid Areum's eyes. Areum bit her lower lip, looking at her resume get ignored to possibly collect dust all week until it would eventually be shredded

"So...when can I expect a phone call?" She asked with hope in her eyes and Juri let out a light scoff before turning her eyes back up to the eager girl

"Soon." Juri responded simply

"But how soo—"

"Look...I don't deal with these things. I'm sure you'll get a call within a week or something" Juri said, turning back to the screen and typing away on her files. Areum nodded slowly, patting the counter before mumbling a small thank you as she turned to walk back outside. The warmth of the summer air immediately surrounded her. She closed her eyes for a second as she blindly walked forward, easing herself to not scream out in frustration as she handed in her last CV to the only other clinic in town.

Her eyes shot open as a harsh shove was landed against her shoulder. A groan from the man who had hit into her by accident fell into her ears. She looked over to see his arm exposed with a bright red plaster against the inside of his elbow. She bowed to him quickly before he even got the chance to look up at her, saying sorry and scurrying away from him, slightly guilty for the pain she had caused him.

The man watched Areum walk away with a slight rush, hair flowing behind with the sun giving her jet black hair and golden hue. His fingers ran through his own bleach blonde hair before his eyes raked down to his arm that was patched up with a tiny plaster from yesterday. He shook his head and made his way into the clinic, a smile planting itself on his lips as he noticed the nurse working at reception.

"How is my favourite nurse doing? Did you miss me?" He asked, watching her tear her eyes away from the screen before meeting his

"By any chance...do you have Renfield's syndrome?" Juri asked with a light scoff and he shook his head with a laugh

"They didn't take it properly yesterday, she told me to come back today" he answered simply

"And by she you mean..." Juri trailed off

"Jisoo" he smiled innocently and Juri rolled her eyes

"Dr.Huang will see you now" Juri smiled with a sigh, looking up at his smug smile and he nodded

"Thanks Juri" he said with a sweet voice and she rolled her eyes

"I'd prefer it if you called me nurse" Juri said standing up and grabbing a sheet of paper in her hand and he hummed as if in deep thought

"Huh...funny, because I'd prefer it if I didn't" he said with a cocky smile as he followed her towards the doctor's office

"Na Jaemin, I'm going to file a restraining order some time soon" Jisoo stated with a sigh, watching Jaemin take a seat against the chair, not needing to be given the standard procedure. He knew his way around far too well.

"You'll lose your AB neg donor...you can't afford to do that" Jaemin sighed in relief as his relaxed against the chair.

"What's this?" Jisoo asked as Juri handed her a sheet of paper catching Jaemin's attention as well.

"Someone came in earlier asking for a job at the clinic...I told her we're not looking for anyone but...she was persistent" Juri answered

"Wow...it's like the universe is telling me to go on that holiday" Jisoo said, looking at the resume like it was a golden ticket to freedom

"Says here she finished her residency at the same year as you...same hospital too" Jisoo said, holding the sheet out infront of Jaemin making him furrow his brows

"Jung Areum..." he trailed off

"You know her?" Jisoo asked, getting her equipment ready to take his bloods

"Doesn't ring a bell...she seems like an ideal candidate" Jaemin said, raking his eyes over the resume before passing it back to Juri

"You would be the perfect fit to fill in for me while I'm—"

"No thank you...I'm happily enjoying my hiatus" Jaemin said with a smile and Jisoo rolled her eyes

"It's not a hiatus...it's unemployment—you were suspended from the hospital" Jisoo corrected and Jaemin pouted with a hand over his heart

"Rubbing salt right into the wound" he sighed, outstretching the arm towards her again and hissing as he felt the prick of a needly with no warning

"Well since you won't cover me...Juri, schedule an interview please" Jisoo said, focusing on taping the silicone wires against Jaemin's arm to hold the blood bag steady.

"So you're going on that holiday then" Jaemin said with a pout and Jisoo sighed

"Thailand awaits" Jisoo said simply

"I'll miss you...it won't be the same without y—"

"Juri, file a restraining order while you're at it" Jisoo said quickly, cutting him off from making any further comments.

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