Prologue (Roach POV)

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“Roach! Get up!”
My Lieutenant’s voice shouted in my headset.
The Caucasus mountains’ cold wind breathed coldly against my fresh wound.
“Hang on Roach!” Ghost shouted again as he put his hands under my armpits and started dragging me away, to where General Shepherd’s aircraft would soon touch down.
As Ghost dragged me, I kept blacking out and then regaining consciousness. My blood was trailing down, licking my skin like a dog’s warm tongue, except it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. I could feel my life slowly escaping with each breath, and judging by Ghost’s frantic breathing, the situation around us didn’t look good.
“C’mon, get up.” he grunted, gently flipping me over just to haul me up to my feet and put my arm around his shoulders, leaning my weight onto him.
“Just a bit more and we’re safe Sergeant.” Ghost reassured, as I could make out the faint outline of an aircraft landing and a person walking out.
“Do you have the DSM?” General Shepherd asked.
“We got it sir!” Ghost answered.
“Good. That’s one less loose end.” the General replied, and before my brain could register what was happening, another sharp pain tore through my gut. Life flashed before my eyes, and I slumped to the ground.
“NO..!” Ghost yelled. My eyes watched as Ghost tried to shoot Shepherd, but the sly older soldier shot him. In what seemed to be his head. Ghost fell to the ground next to me, limp, and the General crouched next to me to grab the DSM. With one last effort, my hand shot out to grab his arm, but the traitor’s face contorted in disgust and he shook my hand off, getting up as he grabbed the DSM.
I blacked out, and Shepherd’s soldiers lifted my body and threw me into a ditch, and Ghost’s body followed soon after. Faintly, I saw them pour gasoline over us, and then the traitor himself graced me with his sight. He threw his lit cigar, and immediately, flames grew around and on me. Shepherd and his goons left, leaving a screaming me to burn alive.

One thing is sure, the pain of being burnt while still being alive was the worst. In the middle of the flames, I felt a hand grab mine. I turned my head to look at Ghost, who just nodded at me reassuringly and squeezed my hand.
“Shh…” a murmur sounded in my ears, and then all the pain went numb as I closed my eyes.

Denial and Trauma - aka a Ghost & Roach fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now