A Dance to be forgotten (Kamisato Ayaka)

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Being lost in your mind while walking around around Chinju forest getting taken in by the wonderful blue colour of the flowers rising from the ground and the soft air surrounding you, it made you flinch a little as you heard the sound of footsteps behind you.

Slowly turning around you're eyes met with those of the young Kamisato lady, Ayaka, her eyes were soft a smile on her lips.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you" she was apologising to you, her voice was so soft... Like that of an angel, you would've guessed since you've never actually met an angel.

You just looked at her, studying her face and every single detail to it, from her beautiful greyish eyes to the mole on her cheek, she was absolutely gorgeous. You were so lost in your mind you didn't notice how much you were actually staring at her.

"Everything alright?"

"Uh yeah, everythings alright... Anyway, what are you doing here miss Kamisato?" Trying to show as much respect as you can the only response you got was a chuckle. Her chuckle was just as amazing as the rest of her.

"Oh I just wanted to go for a little walk, Chinju forest is a beautiful place after all, so is the rest of Inazuma"

"So are you-" realising your words you're cheeks started turning a little red
"Sorry, that was probably a little weird considering we just met"

Ayaka just looked around, your words once again getting a soft chuckle from her only intensifying the blush on your cheeks

Without even realising it, Ayaka had taken your hand softly

"Care for a dance?" She looked at you, a soft look in her eyes

"I'm not really a dancer.." being embarrassed you looked away from her although your eyes kept glancing at her gentle expression

"I can teach you, just follow my lead alright?" Her fingers interlacing with yours as her other hand softly layed on your waist, giving you butterflies as she started to humm a soft tune while moving softly

You followed her movement your eyes were focused on her face, the soft expression and her gentle smile... Her eyes slightly closed, although you knew she could protect herself, it made you hold her and keep her safe away from everyone

Soon enough it ended, even though you didn't want it to end it did still looking at her your eyes still scanning her face and soon you had the same gentle smile on your face as she had

Softly cupping her cheeks and placing a kiss onto her nose, it all made you snap back to reality

Realising everything you thanked her and ran away, you're face now being a bright red

Why'd I do that? Oh no, she's gonna hate me

Maybe she won't ever want to talk to me again.. god I'm such a fool

Meanwhile Ayaka just looked after your running from, smiling softly to herself

Weeks pass by and you started to feel really bad for your actions, walking over to the Kamisato Estate you take a deep breath before knocking on the door

After a while the door opens and Infront of you is Ayaka, before she could say anything you started apologizing for the events before gaining only a soft chuckle from her before her gentle hands cupped your cheeks pressing her soft lips onto yours

Pulling away you wrapped your arms around her waist, nuzzling your face into her shoulder

"I really like you... I'm sorry I ran away that time I just-"

Before you could finish your sentence she put her hand in your hair tugging it slightly

"I like you too, no need to worry alright, I wanted to tell you last time but you ran away so I didn't get to say anything or react at all.."

She says and pats your head, then starts giggling.

"Are you laughing at me..?"

She stops giggling and starts to speak quietly to you

"No? .. Yes? Sort of...? It's just, your hilarious you know that-?"

You look up slightly confused

"What does that even mean-"

She interrupts you with her planting a kiss on your cheek

"Don't sweat it, how about some tea?"
Shoutout to __n0_0ne for helping me :))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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