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   The sun was reflecting on the kitchen island. I was sitting there, waiting for nothing. I had the day off, no one to photograph today.

I called my mom this morning, to take some news from her. I know she miss me
and I miss her too. I'm a mama's girl, of course.

Now, I'm making myself something for breakfast. I will probably go and take a walk on the beach after that.

While I was making the food, my cat, Misty popped on the counter. "Oh my god, Mimi don't do that!" I say to her, still in shocked. She meows to me and I take her in my arms.

"You scared me little lady." I boop her nose. She hop from my arms to go and snuggle on the couch. A smile appears on my face and I return my attention to the food that I was making.

2 hours later ...

Since I had the day off, I listen to my thoughts and go for a walk. Also eat some ice cream because it was hot outside.

When I was at my house, eating my ice cream, my phone buzzed. I take it and try to know who was calling me. Finally, I answered.


Hello, Miss Lewis. How are you?

I'm good, thanks. Can I know
why you're calling me?

I'm the assistant of Evelyn she work with you. You're the photographer, right?

Yes, yes I am. Why?

Because she wants you in LA for
tomorrow p.m, are you available?

Uh yeah, I am. So you're telling me
I have to fly like, today?

Yes, if you are available. I will sent you the informations for your flight.

Alright, I will be there!

See you tomorrow, Miss Lewis!

You too!

I hung up and start to walk home to prepare my baggage. Oh my god.

As I finish my bags, my phone buzzed. It was the same number that called me.

I forgot to tell you the reason she wants you in LA. You have to photograph someone, a celebrity precisely. Have a good flight, Miss Lewis!

Oh god, a celebrity? Who can it be?

Hi! I wanted to start a story that I had in my head. So I hope you like it and sorry if it has some mistakes, english is not my first language :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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