5 「 E U P H O R I C」8

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Third point of viewOutside the quileute pack houseWithin the truck of Sam Uley with Catherine and SamUNEDITED

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Third point of view
Outside the quileute pack house
Within the truck of Sam Uley with Catherine and Sam

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 OF 𝐒𝐀𝐌'𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, Catherine quick to fall forwards  on to Sam's chest, if so not for her hands suddenly catching her seconds before she face planted into his pecks.

Overstimulation quickly washing over her body as she felt Sam's dick being pushed so deeply inside of her so soon after orgasming, her pretty pink walls spasming erratically.

The feeling on Sam's end causing a loud mix between a growl and groan to leave the man's throat, his chest rumbling due to such a deafening rumble coming from so deep within him.

The sudden rush of being bitten, only partially since it was through his dress shirt, and the woman on-top of him letting out sweet moan after moan.

"Fuucck," A harsh moan followed the animalistic growl that left Sam's mouth, his sounds of pleasure deeply contrasting the soft more feminine ones that flowed from Cathy. "all this just for me, sugar?"

Hearing the man's words Catherine could only rebuttal with another lust filled moan, to busy mentally fighting the urge to lewdly grind down or hump the man beneath her. Instead she distracted herself by quickly sliding her hands behind Sam's neck, pulling herself up to meet the man's warm, soft lips.

The young woman suddenly growing more lustful as she sloppily pressed her lips against Sam's, tongue quickly meeting both inside and outside of their mouths.

The two starting together, lips locked and tongues entwined as soft broken moans found their way out of both of their mouths. Sam's right hand falling back around towards Catherine's lower belly and waist, his thumb quickly slipping to delicately swipe across the woman's clit as he made it down to her currently stuffed cunt.

"Ahh-mm," Catherine attempted to moan around Sam's tongue, her hips no longer fearful of rocking forwards chasing after Sam's thumb. "I can't-please-"

Broken pleas falling from the girls lips as the two parted only slightly above the neck as their tongues continued to run across the others.

Sinfully entangled together in a near perfect dance as Catherine pulled Sam's into her mouth with a small suck, Sam's left hand quick to glide up the woman's back from underneath her dress as she dazing sucked his tongue. Sam's hand pulling up the delicate material of the dress, his actions, if not, for his heavily tinted windows would have been on display for all and any to see.

"Oh fuck," Sam couldn't help but moaned out brokenly as his head fell back against the headrest, Catherine not being the only one to be thoroughly enjoying what was going on. "you're so fucking sss-wet and sweet for me, huh baby?"

As he spoke Sam once again glanced down to see the face of the woman on top of him, the man just barely fighting off the urge for his eyes to roll back. The feeling of Catherine's spasming, sopping cunt squeezing so tightly around his overly girthy manhood, nearly causing the man to buss before he wanted; before he satisfied his girl.

However, whilst he spoke the man couldn't help, but pull his hand back from the slope of Catherine's back instead swiftly moving it to wrap around the teen's throat.

"For you-ahh," Catherine moaned loudly just about completely fallen in a daze, her moans coming out near breathless as she wrapped one of her hand around Sam's. "ohh-I, i-it's, Sam-mm fuck."

Chuckling at the vulgar the language and fervent moans that slipped through Catherine's lips, Sam tightened his grip around her neck just barely, more so pressing on the two main arteries that lied in her throat; only when he felt her press down for him to squeeze a bit harder, using the hand that was around his own.

However the man's chuckling and amusement quickly ended as Catherine adjusted her position, barely pausing as she slide her legs a bit more forwards in order to come up on to the tips of her feet.

Both of which just barely fitting around Sam's thick muscular thighs, however, the sound of his deep vocal moans only did more to encourage her movements.

"Oh shi-i-it," Sam let out something between a curse, a groan, and a grunt as he felt Catherine start to bounce on top of him rather than grind down against him. "oh fuck."

His back slightly arching off of the truck seat as his right hand swiftly moved from it's stilled position above Catherine's cunt, instead to the roundest part of her bottom.

The man grabbing a tight hold of it for a second, before pulling away and seconds later bringing his hand down to lay a heavy smack to Catherine's soft bottom.

"Ahm," Catherine let out a small squeak before quickly biting down on her lip, her hips stuttering for a moment before she continued to bounce and beg. "Sam please-Ah!"

Once again the man delivered another smack to her bottom, a louder cry quick to leave her lips as she barely finished begging, the feeling of his dick rubbing so harshly up and down against their pillowy walls making her go near mental from euphoria.

Quick to understand why girth was more important to some over length, especially as she adjusted to the feeling of being stretched so deeply by Sam, completely aware of the feeling of his dick sliding straight against her soft spot.

However, the pressure around her neck could be a high contributor to the euphoric cloud she could slowly feel herself falling on, the feeling of Sam's large, soft veined filled hands around her neck causing her to bite down on her lip against

Her cunt tightening up even more so as her mind filled with lewd thoughts along with the frequents slaps that befell onto her bottom, each causing her to squeeze up a bit tighter than the last.

"Fuuuccck," Sam dragged out as he threw his head back against the head rest for a moment, before he pulled his lip underneath his teeth for a second, overwhelmed. "I can't get enough of you, Sugar-Bunny."

Again finding herself falling into the sweet talk of Sam, Catherine could only close her eyes tears embellishing the corner of them as she quickly  felt her orgasm so close to falling over her.

"I'm gonna-I can't," She begged and mentally cursed, unable to force her orgasm to wash over her instead only leaving her at the cusp of it. "Sam-I-"

Once again finding her hips uncontrollably stuttering as she continued to try and bounce on top of Sam, despite the pleasure quickly becoming to much for her to even keep a good pace with her bouncing.

Something Sam quickly noted as he watched her stutter and jerk, however he knew exactly what he needed to do to get her over that point.

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