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JK (:started crying out of frustration sobbing)Please leave me....tae you love me right don't do this to me...please...I'll never lie please just give me medicines I'll take it right away but please don't do this to me..don't hurt me

Tae:Stop your tears before it's too late

Jk:I don't give a fuck....Just LEAVE ME...

Tae didn't listen to jks pleading and stich his cut and band aid it.jk was sobbing by now.

Tae( pack his medical kit):The numbness will go away after 20 mins

and was about to get out of their bedroom

Jk:Wh..(sob)..where..(sob) are you going(sob)?

Tae:to see the moon

Jk:(sob)it's hurting...

Though tae hear that stil he left the room with a bang.

In the morning

Tae come in the room and found jk sleeping on the couch with tear stains on his cheeks.He felt guilty but what can he do.he is with jk for more than 6 years and this mafia didn't change a lil bit.tae was still looking at jk but looked away as jk started moving.

With a yawn jk open his sleepy eyes to find tae doing something on his laptop.

Jk:(sad)You left me

Tae didn't answer

Jk:Why are you acting like this now...I should be angry after you done all this and here you are...............(mumble)he didn't hug me too...jerk...monster...

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