author's note

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currently, as i'm writing this, i haven't finished the show. any requests have to be made for seasons, and only seasons, 1, 2, and 3.

i don't do smut! like, sure, i'm fine with a little make-out, but absolutely no smut.

i tackle heavy mental health topics, among others. thirteen reasons why is a show that focuses on harder things, and i want to make sure that prime meaning is still there. 

i'm sure there are things out there that i'm not comfortable with writing, but up until now, i haven't found anything but smut. 

incest? sure, why not. i'm doing things on a whim here anyways, might as well let it get freaky while i'm at it.

since this fandom is so small, there's normally no interactions. like, at all. so if you're reading this, don't be a silent reader. interact! it's a wattpad book, the comments are there for a reason. 

on that note, updates won't be frequent. like i said, there aren't too many people up in here, and while i write for myself, i write for you all too, so it's not enjoyable if no one actually cares, y'know?

anyways, that's it. go nuts.

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