Clanderstine Hearts Collide Chapter 3: The Rust and the Rain

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The Vienna night pulsed with a different rhythm this time. It wasn't the vibrant hum of life Eliza had felt on the rooftop with Claude, but a symphony of industrial groans and the insistent drumming of rain against the decaying metal of the abandoned shipyard.
Clad in black from head to toe, Eliza crouched beside Claude, their silhouettes blending into the shadows.  Moonlight, filtered through a thick layer of clouds, cast an eerie glow on the rusting cranes and deserted docks.  The salty tang of the sea mingled with the metallic scent of disuse in the air.
"Intel says the deal is going down near the old container yard," Claude whispered, his voice barely audible over the wind.
Eliza scanned the sprawling complex through her night vision goggles.  Stacks of massive containers loomed like silent sentinels, their corrugated metal surfaces reflecting the moon's pale light.  "See anything?"
Claude shook his head.  "No movement yet.  Could be a setup, trying to draw us out."
Eliza tightened her grip on her pistol, a knot of unease twisting in her gut.  "We can't afford to wait and see.  We need to move, find a vantage point closer to the container yard."
Claude nodded, a silent agreement.  They moved with practiced efficiency, weaving through the maze of industrial debris, their footsteps muffled by the damp earth.  The rusted skeletons of abandoned ships loomed overhead, casting long, ominous shadows.
As they neared the container yard, a flicker of movement caught Eliza's eye.  A figure, cloaked in darkness, darted between two containers.  She nudged Claude, pointing towards the movement.
"Looks like we have company," he murmured, his voice low.
Without a word, they separated, flanking either side of a towering container.  Eliza's heart hammered in her chest, the adrenaline masking the fatigue from their previous mission.
Suddenly, a guttural yell ripped through the night.  From the other side of the container, a figure emerged, grappling with Claude.  Eliza reacted instinctively, launching herself into the fray.
A flurry of punches and kicks ensued, the metal container echoing with the sounds of their struggle.  Eliza landed a solid blow to her opponent's jaw, sending him reeling back momentarily.  She caught a glimpse of a shaved head and a vicious glint of steel – a knife.
Just as the man lunged forward, a thunderous crack echoed through the night.  Claude had disarmed him, his own pistol pointed squarely at the man's chest.
"Don't move," Claude growled.
Eliza took a deep breath, trying to catch her breath.  "More of them?" she asked, her voice hoarse.
Claude surveyed their surroundings, his brow furrowed.  "Looks like it."  He gestured to the fallen figure.  "This one wasn't talking much anyway."
Before they could react further, a chorus of shouts erupted from the nearby containers.  Armed men, clad in black like themselves, emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by darkness.
"We're outnumbered," Eliza hissed, her hand tightening around her pistol.
Claude scanned the growing number of figures, a steely glint in his eyes.  "Then we improvise, Nightingale," he replied, his voice devoid of fear.
With a silent nod, they positioned themselves back-to-back, a desperate resolve hardening their features.

Eliza's heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Five against two wasn't ideal odds, especially in an environment like this. But fear was a luxury they couldn't afford.
Claude, ever the strategist, barked orders. "Eliza, take the left flank. I'll handle the right. Use the containers for cover!"
Before she could respond, a figure lunged at her from the shadows. Adrenaline surged through her, fueling every movement. She sidestepped the attack, landing a punishing elbow strike to the man's chest.  The grunt of surprise was cut short as she brought her knee up into his groin, sending him crumpling to the ground with a pained gasp.
Glancing towards Claude, she saw him locked in a brutal hand-to-hand duel with a hulking figure wielding a metal pipe. Claude dodged a vicious swing, his own movements a blur of trained precision. With a well-placed kick, he disarmed the man, sending the pipe clattering across the rain-slicked concrete.
One down, four to go. Eliza used the cover of a rusted container, peeking around its edge.  Two figures were converging on Claude, flanking him from either side.  No time to think.
"Ghost, watch out!" she yelled, firing a single, precise shot. It caught one of the attackers in the shoulder, sending him staggering back with a howl of pain.
Claude wasted no time.  Using the distraction, he delivered a swift kick to the remaining attacker's knee, buckling it with a sickening crack.  The man crumpled, clutching at his injured leg.
Eliza surged forward, joining Claude in the center of the makeshift battlefield.  They fought back-to-back, a practiced efficiency born out of countless shared missions.  Eliza disarmed a man with a flying kick, sending his pistol clattering across the ground.  Claude delivered a swift takedown on another, his movements honed to a deadly grace.
The remaining attacker, the one Eliza had shot, used the opportunity to rise to his feet, a crazed glint in his eyes.  He lunged at Claude, a hidden blade flashing in his hand.
Time slowed down for Eliza.  She saw the glint of metal, the raw desperation on the man's face.  Without a conscious thought, she launched herself at the attacker, pushing Claude out of the way.  There was a sickening thud as the blade found its mark, a searing pain blossoming in her shoulder.
Claude reacted instantly.  With a roar of fury, he unloaded a single shot into the attacker's chest, sending him sprawling back, lifeless.
The world spun for a moment, the rain washing away the metallic tang of blood in the air.  Eliza stumbled, her vision blurring.  Claude was beside her in a heartbeat, his arm wrapped around her waist, his touch a grounding force in the chaos.
"Eliza!" he barked, his voice laced with worry.  "You're hurt."
She gritted her teeth, forcing a smile.  "Just a scratch," she mumbled, surprised by the tremor in her voice.  "We need to… get out of here."
Sirens wailed in the distance, a beacon cutting through the night's symphony of rain and gunfire.  Claude nodded, his gaze scanning the shadows.  "Right. But first…"
He ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt, using it to apply pressure to her wound.  His touch was gentle, sending a jolt of heat through her despite the cold rain soaking them both.
"Hold on," he murmured, his voice low and intense.  "We'll get you patched up soon."
In his eyes, Eliza saw more than concern for a wounded partner.  There was a flicker of something deeper, a tenderness that caught her off guard.  But before she could explore that feeling further, they were both forced back into the dance of survival.
With reinforcements on their way, they had to disappear into the labyrinthine maze of the shipyard before the authorities arrived.  Sirens wailed in the distance, a mournful crescendo that cut through the cacophony of rain and fading gunshots. Eliza leaned against Claude, her vision swimming as the adrenaline rush ebbed away, replaced by a throbbing ache in her shoulder.
"Just a scratch," she mumbled for the second time, her voice barely a whisper. This time, however, a wince betrayed the bravado.
Claude snorted, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes despite the grim situation. "Sure, Nightingale. Just a little souvenir from our friendly neighborhood Raven gang."
He scanned the darkness, his brow furrowed.  Buildings loomed like skeletal giants around them, offering a maze of potential escape routes.
"We need to get you to a safehouse," he stated, his voice firm.
Eliza swayed slightly, her legs protesting with every feeble step.  "I can walk," she mumbled, more to herself than to him.
Claude chuckled, a low rumble that surprised her.  "Yeah, right. You look like you're about to face-plant into a puddle."
Before she could offer another feeble protest, he scooped her up effortlessly, bridal style.  Eliza yelped in surprise, clutching at his shoulders for balance.
"Whoa there, Ghost," she stammered, a blush creeping up her cheeks despite the rain washing her face.  "What do you think you're doing?"
"Improvising," he replied with a smirk, his voice warm and teasing in her ear.  "Besides, the last thing you need is to trip and take out your other shoulder with you."
Eliza couldn't help but let out a huff of laughter, the absurdity of the situation momentarily pushing aside the throbbing pain.  "You're such a jerk, Reiss," she muttered, a playful edge to her voice.
Claude chuckled again, the sound rich and deep.  "Always happy to oblige, Hale," he replied, navigating the uneven terrain with ease.
As they disappeared deeper into the labyrinth of containers, the rain washing away their footprints.

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