{1} Sea Breeze

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The mention of a ball had the town in whispers; my family was throwing a ball for the arrival of Prince Charles of England. My father, Sir Hemmings, had known the prince since they were boys, or so he had said. The prince had just returned from an expedition and wanted to throw a ball once he returned.

My father was the first to volunteer.

"Emily, darling! Have you chosen a dress for tonight?" my Mother asked as she barged into my room, nearly making me fall in shock. "Yes, Mother. It's hanging up over there for when I'm getting ready," I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and raising with a yawn once I had gotten myself up from the floor.

She smiled brightly, clapping her hands with excitement. "Good! You know your father gets if we don't look our best." She said before giving me a look that made me frown and nod. "Yes, Ma'am. Do you know if at least Bella will be there?" I asked, hopeful I would have my best friend at the ball with me.

"Bella's parents have said that they will show up, so yes, my darling," my Mother said, smiling before leaving my room. I smile with excitement about seeing my best friend at the ball, having not seen her in several months. Her family has kept her so busy trying to find a husband that she has had no time to spend with me.

I looked over at the ball gown I was to wear that night, a beautiful blue dress. Blue had always been my favorite color, and I couldn't wait to wear it. I got out of bed and went to the window to see all the townspeople rushing about. They were as excited as us since the prince was coming through our town to his home. Then my eyes shifted to the ocean, my smile growing bigger.

I loved the ocean and was so curious about Everything in it. My father called my curiosity a burden a time or two, saying, " Having a curious nature like that, Emily, will never help you find a husband." But it never made me stop. Any time I could sneak away, you could find me on the shore looking for pretty shells to add to my collection.

Mother loved that I was curious, hoping never to lose that part of me once I had a husband. A husband... Now, there's something I didn't want to think about. I knew as I grew up that I had a part to play in society, mainly to find a husband of title and move up in the world. I didn't mind the thought of getting married and having a family, but I wanted to do it for love. Not for money like my parents.

They were set up at 18 to marry and were never happy. It was not a life that I wanted, but Father slowly started to push me to find one. Soon, since I was 23 and almost out of the age that most young women married, I would be considered a spinster and shame my family.

A sudden knock on my head had me turning away from the window. "Miss Emily? Are you up and ready?" My maid, Lola, asked as she entered my room, smiling as she was awake. "Ahh, good morning, miss. Sleep well?"

I smiled back at her, "I did; thank you, Lola." I said as I stepped away from the window and moved to my makeup table. "I'm excited about the ball tonight. I'll get to see Bella after so long." I said excitedly, Lola grinning as she started to get me ready. "That's great news, my lady. I know you two have been best friends since you were toddlers."

"That's right! Mother would say that if you saw one of us, the other would run behind them," I said with a small laugh. It was true. Bella and I were so close growing up that sometimes if we got punished, our punishment would be going a week without seeing each other, which was horrid for two ten-year-olds.

Lola chuckled, and we shared childhood stories as she got me ready for the ball. Time flew by, and soon enough, I was smiling at myself in the mirror in my blue dress. "You, my lady, are ready for a ball," Lola said, ensuring I was looking my best as she looked for any wrinkles or rips in the dress.

"I'm so excited and nervous," I said truthfully, nervous to see Bella after so long. Lola smiled and shook her head, resting her hands on my shoulders. "Everything will be well, Miss Emily. I'm sure of it." She said with a reassuring smile before I heard a knock at my door. "Emily? Are you ready?"

Mother quickly walked in, stopping when she saw me and smiling brightly. I stood up straight and tall, wanting to make her proud. "Ahh, my darling Emily. You look so beautiful." She hurried over and kissed my cheek, shooing Lola away. Now, let's head down. Your father wants to see you before we head to the ball."

I took a deep breath and nodded; here we go.

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