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"We should head back guys" Francis said as the group looked through the already looted store. "It'll be dawn soon and we don't want to be trapped here when the sun comes up."
"We need a few more minutes Fran just take a breath we'll make it back before the sun comes out I promise" Greald said as he gripped Francis shoulders for a second. "Grab the bags and start packing the kids need the water and food" he said as he started packing some stuff as well.
"Kal why are you just standing there help us" Francis said as she noticed me watching the windows.
"Yeah sorry..." I turned and help them pack the rest of the stuff before we head out. "Do you just wish we had known this would happen before it did...the sun I mean" I asked them as we ran through the abandoned streets.
Gerald sighed before he nodded. "Yeah who would have thought this would happen..."
I nodded as well before I get lost into my thoughts of how this all happend....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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