Chapter 2

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After the celebration ended, we were called down to the bottom for team photos. I headed to the team garage to see my engineer, Javi, sitting with a smile on his face. "Ahhh! Look who it is!" He announced. "Audi's future super star!" "Future?" I asked. "Well of course! Right now your our prime jewel, but to be a super star in this industry, you must outplay everyone else!" "Mhm," you winked to javi and began walking to the side to find your Audi cap. "Oh! By the way! The boss said to head to the debrief as soon as possible." "Sounds good Javi, thanks for the reminder!" "No problemo kiddo"

I began the walk to the debrief room, spotting Lando Norris himself at the entrance of the McLaren garage. "Well well well, look who it is" Lando smiled. Lando had always been a good friend to you, you both met at the British young drivers karting championship at the age of 13 and quickly became good friends. You had lost contact with Norris until you met again in f2, rekindling your friendship and reminiscing on the past. Nowadays you would occasionally hang out at his place in Monaco or go party together in the clubs at the places you would race. "What's up Norris?" I returned "We're having a big party to celebrate the top 3 at 9 o'clock tonight, Would you do the honors and accompany me? As friends of course." "Of course I would Lando." "Great, I'll pick you up from your hotel at 8:30" "Sounds good to me!"


As you entered the debrief room you saw Charles and Verstappen standing side by side, trying to grab their podium pirelli hats. You slipped through and grabbed your 2nd place hat, smiling to Charles. Suddenly, Charles phone rang, playing seven nation army as his ring tone. He grabbed his phone and walked to the other side of the room, far enough for anything on this side to not be heard. "Wolff, haven't seen you in a while. Like the back of my car much?" He whispered. "Not as much as you like the look of mine." You whispered back with a smirk. "We'll see about that Wolff" he scoffed. You winked back at him, and he gave an eye roll to you. Charles came back just in time for the camera crew to come in and ask questions.

Max led with his usual "I was able to keep my steady pace for the whole race, completely immersing myself into track, following every corner with ease." God he was annoying, he said the same thing every. single. race. It was starting to get repetitive, he used to always say it last year too, but i guess the reporters (who were mostly female) were too busy staring at him to notice or question his behavior. You rolled your eyes and suddenly the attention was on you, reporters asking about your overtake on the track. You tried to answer as simple as possible, "I can't lie, it was hard to make it up to 2nd. Charles put up a good fight but in the end I was able to overpower and pass him." He smiled over to me with an approving look. "Of course, it was too late to get up to the top of the race and Max was already way in front." Reporters then went to Charles and began to ask him questions, after your last word on the matter, everything became a haze, and suddenly you were dying to leave.

Finally the debrief ends and you get a call from the one and only, Toto Wolff, your absolutely charming father. "Ah dear! So sorry to call late, congratulations on your first podium of the season! Do tell your mother I love her and will see her back at the hotel." "Will do dad, Love you." "Love you too honey, Oh! Lewis says congrats on the podium, and to quote on quote 'keep at em tiger' " "Haha! Tell Lewis I said I'll see him at the party! Bye papa" "Bye Julia"

I pulled over to the garage and found my mom asking about my teammate Daniel, apparently Riccardo got p6 so only a few places behind me, he was doing considerably well despite feeling a bit drowsy the other day. I smiled at my mom and told her what dad had said, she said she'd call him and talk with him for a bit before saying thank you and dismissing me.


A Few hours later and I'm back at my hotel, awaiting Lando to pick me up. I had dressed quite nicely in a black dress with a red leather jacket, red pumps, and a beautiful black Dior clutch that my dad had gotten me for my birthday. My phone buzzed quietly but harsh enough for me to hear it, I picked up the phone and heard "Hello señorita, your chauffeur has arrived" He laughed and informed her "I'm downstairs outside your hotel, ready when you are" You smiled at his words and quickly responded "On my way out Lando, see you out there" You then hung up the phone and walked out your hotel room, going out to the grand lobby. When you walked out you heard a familiar voice, Yuki tsunoda, one of the rookie drivers this year. You turned around to see a dapper yuki in a pair of black jeans and a classy white dress shirt with two buttons open. "Ah! Julia, How nice to see you!" He smiled and opened for a hug, and you both melted into each others arms. "Headed to the party?" You asked. He let go and replied "Of course, need a ride?" "No Thank you, Landos got me covered" You returned. "No worries! If you ever do, you know who to call!" He chuckled and said his goodbye so you two could part.

Finally you saw the black McLaren Senna that Lando had purchased a while ago, sitting right outside the doors of the hotel. "Lando!" You yelled, Lando stood at a comfortable 5'10, about how tall you were when you wore the 3 inch heels. He wore banana republic black dress pants, a white linen dress shirt with 3 buttons undone to tease his chest, and black dress shoes especially made from Dior for Lando. He wore The Louis Vuitton L'Immensité cologne, it was extremely strong but after a while you get used to it I guess. Lando embraced me in a hug and opened the door for me, and off we were, headed to a party I didn't know what to expect from.

At last, we made it to the party. Apparently a bunch of drivers had pitched in to rent out a night club on one of the busiest days of the year for the celebration. Lando parked and went to the passenger side and opened my door, holding his hand out to help me up. I grabbed on and we released hands as soon as I could sustain myself. Soon we were let through by the bouncer who kept a secure guest list with everyone's names on it so no randoms were able to get through. Somehow though, you had a feeling paparazzi would be following each drivers every move.

You and Lando approached the bar and greeted Pierre and Charles sitting together, "Charles! How good to see you my friend." Lando said out loud while putting an arm about Charles "Good to see you as well pierre!" You greeted both the boys and sat on the stool next to Charles asking what the plan was, "Pregame, dance, and have fun!" Charles spoke up against the loud music. "Sounds good to me!" I said, with replies of agreement from Lando and Pierre. "4 shots of Tequila please!" Charles shouted and the bar tender obeyed.

Suddenly it was 2 hours later and you were DRUNK not just your normal 'I'm just a little tipsy' drunk, you were dancing and faces were blurred in your eyes. Suddenly you felt an arm come towards you and wrap around your waist, it was a sensation you felt new to, drawn to. The blurry face wrapped around your body and moved to the rhythm of the music, with both of your bodies moving at the same pace and in tune with your surroundings. You felt at peace like this.... Like you belonged.... But who was providing this feeling. You and Mr blurry face walked over to the bar and asked for water, and suddenly when the cold water woke you up.... You realized that Mr. Blurry face, the one who made you feel like you belonged. Was Max Vertsappen........

1450 words yaalll!! Proud of myself😛

Chapter 3 coming Friday or Saturday night🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Love yall!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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