the night that changed everything

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Third person pov

Lucas is in his room doing push ups and now heard my phone go off it is Hayley foster and Lucas said hello then she said can I come over then Lucas said sure then after that Hayley knocked on the door and now Lucas opened the door Hayley Amelia javi izze zato ahion Ollie Preston Brody Sara Levi and Calvin are there

Lucas pov

I punching the punching bag while everyone else is getting settled in then I walked in with wraps around my hands then I heard a thud and everyone is talking then said guys shut up then everyone went quiet and now I walked to the window and saw nothing then I something fall on the ground and with my parents both being in military and my dad gave a 9mm for safety precautions then I walked over to the drewer and pulled out my Glock and loaded it and now I walked to the kitchen and now I saw something or more well a beast that head red eyes and I raised my gun then I aimed it at the beast and now I fired a round and it didn't do anything but it locked eyes with me then I backed away and now I ran inside then it fellowed me then everyone looked at me then I got tackled to the ground and now I kneed the beast in the head but that just seemed to piss it off then after that it hit the gun out of my hands and now it picked me up by my throat and threw me into a mirror and now I was in front of me and said I need a beta you will be of good use then I felt teeth in my shoulder blade then I felt my body burn on the inside then I got up and the beast looked at me then ran off I was now some how standing and looking in the mirror and I turned around and I went to the floor but javi and Calvin caught before I hit the floor and now I laid there and went to sleep

Sara pov

I went to Lucas bedroom and then went to his bathroom and saw a first aid kit and grabbed it then I walked down and Amelia along javi are watching over him then Brody moved and sat him up and now I put a bandage on his shoulder and tape on it then after that we stayed with Lucas

The next morning

Third person pov

Lucas got up and changed in to this

Lucas got up and changed in to this

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He grabbed his bike keys and bag and lacrosse bag then left and now he started his bike and drove off to summer cove high and now he parked his bike and now turned it off and he could hear voices that are all around him then he thought no that is ...

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He grabbed his bike keys and bag and lacrosse bag then left and now he started his bike and drove off to summer cove high and now he parked his bike and now turned it off and he could hear voices that are all around him then he thought no that is not from getting bite by a wolf then Lucas walked into the school and as he is walking he saw maccall and stilinski then he saw Martin and she saw Lucas and now he is at is locker and she walks over and slams her hand on the locker next to him then she said why did not call me then he said sorry Lydia if I haven't been in talking mood lately then she said it's fine then Lucas said what happened to you then Lydia looked where Lucas is looking then she went out into the woods with stiles and Scott then she saw his shoulder and now she couldn't stop looking at Lucas and he couldn't stop looking at her

Lydia pov

I am still staring at Lucas and I could not look away cause I know I am with Jackson but something inside me is telling me to be with Lucas then the bell rings and I walk with Lucas then we show up in class and sit in the back

Outside close to Lucas and lydia house

Derek's pov

I am at Lydia's house first cause I don't know why but I know her longer then I knocked on the door and her mom is there and I said is Lydia at school then she said yeah I had the sheriff send me these then I realized that Lucas is long lost relative to the Garcia's and Jones meaning Amelia and javi are his parents then I said thanks then I went to Lucas house and knocked on the door and it opened and this guy said what do you want then after that I said I will be talking to Lucas about something then Amelia and javi showed up and now they stood by me and now I flashed my eyes blue then Amelia and javi fellowed there's blue as well then after that Amelia got a call from the school and it is Lydia then she said Lucas's head hurts and his fingers are numb and his gums hurt then I thought this is new then she said his skin is like rough but smooth then I said there is only one supernatural creature that feels rough and smooth then Ollie said what is it then Sara and Preston looked at each other and said werecoyte then Lucas walked in and threw his bag on the couch and Scott stiles and Lydia all watched him and he sat there like not even having a care in the world then I slowly walked over and said hey buddy how you doing then he said I am ok then I thought it is not that easy then I remember that he is Amelia and javi kid one of them is a werewolf the other is werecoyte which means Sara Preston look up breeds of both werewolf and werecoyte then Preston did and said if a female werecoyte mated with a werewolf then child is a Chimera then I said Lydia that is why skin is rough and smooth then Lucas said so what happens now then Scott said he is not the only one bitten but I did two along Lydia

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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