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Hello, as you know I'm Emily. Welcome to the second book. You already know the drill from the first book. Three confessions from three different patients, all in the asylum. Yes, I know they aren't called asylums anymore, but this one doesn't house normal women.  Most of these women are violent, deranged, and definitely dangerous. As you know, I'll give you a short introduction into each of today's patients. In this book though, there's an extra one at the end. That one doesn't get an introduction. I'll let her explain her story, especially since she was one of the few to actually make it out of here alive. Remember that situation I had to handle? She was that situation. 

      We all know what a hitman is, or a contract killer. When you think of a contract killer you automatically think of a man. Well these women were formally contracted killers, and they were damn good at it. 

      First up we have Alice. When you look at her, you'd think she's a teacher or maybe a librarian., but that's far from what she is. Alice has actually been charged with four murders, but that's only because that's all they could link to her. We, at the asylum, all know her kill count is at least sixty. She's probably the sweetest looking of the three, but she's definitely the coldest. 

      After Alice is Molly. Milly honestly looks like she belongs in federal prison. She has tattoos from the neck down. She has been convicted of two of her murders, but the count is thought to be in the seventies. Molly is weirdly enough a very sweet woman, polite too, minus the murders. She's rumored to be the assassin that took out a senator and his entire family.  

    Third we have Cassie. Cassie looks so sweet, and she honestly is. She helps the other inmates through anxiety attacks and other issues. From what I've heard though she began her killing spree fresh at eighteen.  She's only been tied to three of her murders but it's suspected the count is over one hundred.  From drug dealers to mobsters, and even a lady who just hated her husband. Her only rule was she didn't kill children or animals, everyone else was fair game. 

     The last one doesn't get a summary, but at least I'll tell you her name.  Her name is Valerie, she's the mist damaged in the group. She's only twenty seven.  

     There's the introductions to today's patients. Let's get into it.  

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