74~ Broken Hearts

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Adhisha's POV

I opened my eyes and realized I was sleeping beneath him; it wasn't uncomfortable, just a habitual thing.

As I tilted my head, feeling his lips on my neck, I moved away only to realize we weren't alone in the bed. My daughter was there too.

Tilting my head, her peaceful little face came into view, causing my heart to flutter at the sight and a smile to tug at my lips.

I sat down, pulling the duvet over my naked body, and embraced her. As I caressed her hair, tears threatened to flow from my eyes at the sight of her unconscious form.

Hours have passed, the night has ended, and the day has arrived, but why isn't she waking up? I tried to rouse her, saying, "Ala... wake up, bachha."

Her lack of response caused my heart to skip beats, and fear dried my throat. Despite numerous attempts, she did not open her eyes.

Having no other option, I shook him, "Kalp... She's not waking up... Please, take her to the hospital."

He growled and pulled the pillow over his ear before muttering under his breath, "You surely don't want me to fuck you in early morning, Darling."

Through tears, I shouted, "If you can't take care of her, why did you even make me give birth to her? It would have been better if she had died in my womb."

I attempted to rise, but he yanked me back, causing me to land flat on the mattress with my daughter still in my arms.

He gripped my jaw in breaking grip and sickly smiled, moving his eyes on my naked upper body.

"That's how you're going to take responsibility for her? Such weakling."

He sneered and sucked on my neck, his lips crawling on my flesh, halting on my boobs and he held my nipple in his mouth sucking on it but I immediately pushed him away and yelled, "Your daughter is not opening her eyes Mr Trivedi but the only thing you could think about is getting inside me."

He calmly stared at me and chuckled, running his fingers along my jawline, causing me to shut my eyes, not wanting to show him how vulnerable he was making me feel.

"She's my blood. Don't worry, she won't give up. It's just 0.5% anesthesia. She'll regain consciousness in a few minutes."

He said it casually, as if he wasn't toying with his daughter's life, and I forced myself to stay strong for my daughter.

"Kalp, She is our daughter, what she did to deserve this?" I asked feeling so weak and handcuffed.

I wanted to leave this drama and get back to my old self, now it was not helping me in any way, I can't act, it's suffocates me.

"She is alive, Darling....I didn't kill her yet."

I lost control and slapped him hard, once, twice, thrice before yelling, "Shut the hell up! It would have been better if you never became a father. You're not even capable of calling as man."

He stared at me with red eyes, but I pushed myself up, holding my daughter tightly in my arms. "No one can love a monster like you, Kalp Trivedi. I tried, but I can't love you. You're sick," I declared firmly with disgust dripping from my each word.

Unknowingly, a sob escaped my lips, and I cried, realizing that I had crushed my last hope with my own hands.

A hard slap landed on my cheek causing my lower lip to split open and bleed. He yanked me by my hair, while whispering in hushed tone, "A Man? Right? First, ask yourself who you are. Just a mere Whore, whose only purpose is to satisfy her Man."

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