A Special Outfit

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The whole Inner Senshi gang was at the Shopping mall, looking for clothes.

All of a sudden, a sudden special store caught Usagi's attention and she went towards it.

Meanwhile Ranma was stuck Shopping with Nabiki and Akane when again that same store now caught Ranma's attention.

The Store contains Super Spy and Secret Agent clothes and devices that contain two leather black outfits that look like they came out from The Matrix both for Male and Female.

Both Ranma and Usagi reached the store and began to imagine

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Both Ranma and Usagi reached the store and began to imagine.....

The Duo as being Secret Agents of the Dance Central Universe and fighting off evil robots, saving the day.

They both snapped out of their fantasies and smiled.

"You thinking what I am thinking?" asked Ranma

"Oh Yeah." said Usagi

They went inside and saw two storekeepers.

"Excuse us..." said Usagi

The Storekeepers turned their heads to the duo.

"How much for those outfits in the window?"

"Ahhh...finally curious customers." said the male storekeeper

"Why don't you try them on?"

Ranma and Usagi tried on the and looked like Neo and Trinity, fitted them perfectly.

"So how much for these outfits?" asked Ranma

"It's yours, free of charge." said the female storekeeper as she bags the outfits

"You two look stunning in them."

Usagi and Ranma took the outfits and left the store.

"Weird, but neat." they both said

That's when the First Cards glowed in their pockets leading them towards a unknown beach.

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