V. Healing Violet

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Riding along-side the freshly fallen snow leaves an impression of pristine beauty, but beneath hides the darkness of the earth, where life blooms and also withers. The shroud of snowflakes in their frozen loveliness settles upon my lashes, untouched before melting away, just as the forests fall back, changing into the narrow rocky trails.

The Earthwitch clan is close, as despite the echo, I can still hear the murmurings of dubious whispers and hostile intentions. Even from such a distance, their disdain while awaiting my arrival is clear. The feeble attempts to suppress their disgust would almost be amusing, if not for my true repulsion and burdening but vengeful thoughts.

The winding trail begins to climb, as I press more closely to Lorne. “Are you attempting to break my bones once more?” he asks, with a quiet laugh.

“If I had such an intention, there would be no try.” I slowly arch my neck. The slight tension due to the scent of the bottled blood I carry, the aroma so enticing.

“Your honesty is inspiring.” His tone is obviously mocking. “So, you heal their sickness and benign ailments, and they pay you with their blood. I’m surprised that the mortals agreed to such terms. I wonder... is it out of gratitude, or is it simply fear?”

“Whether gratitude or fear, it changes nothing.” I’ve long given up on placing faith in another, life’s betrayals have ensnared me, far too well, for such hopes.

“Your lips may utter such words, but in your heart there still lingers a fragment of warmth.” Turning his head, he catches my eye with a sharp glint. “Heartlessness is an acquired taste, as is Kovan, but ruthlessness is a choice and regrettable.”

I smile. “But hate carries a powerful tide of sweeping waves.”

“You say that you hate Kovan, but you hate that you love him far more.” A sardonic smile adorns his lovely face, knowing that I’m unable to deny such words. Raising a hand, he grasps my chin. “At times love is what drives us to take our next breath. Other times, it is revenge.”

Our gazes intertwine. “Are you speaking of my past and present self?”

“That would mean, you are admitting to loving Kovan, while hating him. Do you dare?” His question sends an unpleasant chill creeping along the length of my arms. Even though it is a truth I’ve long known, my revulsion for both, myself and Kovan has always kept me from accepting such a thought.

Without looking away, I grasp his wrist, gently drawing back his hand. “I hate that I love him.” I take a deep breath. “But... my love for him was once real.” As the words leave my lips, a lightness slowly drips into the hollows of my heart, momentarily parting the darkness. Though it’s slowly overshadowed by a thirst for revenge. The feeling of desperately needing to claw my way out from under such a love, begins to seep away.

Lorne smiles, as though my thoughts have been spoken aloud. I wonder why he stirs such a need for openness within me, easily drawing out feelings and memories that I loathe. Parting the grim bitterness and giving rise to lost fragments of my past self, that I had hoped long dead.

I feel as the last of the incline eases, and we crest the hill. The rustic Earthwitch clan splaying out, buried by the snow in carved ruggedness before us, blending with the totemic pillars. Kell dismounts, as another steps forward to lead his horse away, before Lorne and I receive his attention. “Please, others will take good care of your horses, after, I will lead the way.” Soon, others from the clan approach.

Nodding lightly to Kell, I ignore the others intent on dismounting. No sooner do my feet brush the snow, than Lorne is already standing beside me, his hood draping loosely over his face. Leaning closer to Cyra, I run my hand along her neck and over her silky coat, one last time before allowing a young woman to lead her away.

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