1 - Sworn Secrecy

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Vampires, an endangered species that need to be rid of. The ability to stop aging, heal fatal injuries, and Telekinesis is something all of us crave, but does anyone deserve it?

Why should the vampires have special powers, and we don't? They're violent, and blood thirsty. Vampires are a threat to the human race, hence the Hunters are paid so much.

And the scariest bit? We haven't even conquered the strongest of them. We've never even experienced it. Meaning we have a lot to prepare for.

The black clouds loomed over the city, blanketing the sun from shining it's light anymore that it already had.

Clay Corbyn, a tall, dirty blonde guy, deputy head of the O.V.E.P, Official Vampire Extermination Process.

Clay stormed into one of the many offices in his block, and saw one of his colleagues sat at his desk, analysing the most recent capture of what they thought was a Vampire.

"Alex, are you seriously still looking at this shit? It's obviously just a shady guy. Nothing there says Vamp." Clay fussed, opening the windows on the office.

"Actually, I beg to differ. Look here," Alex pointed at the edge of the man's iris, "where the light shines, there's a red tint to his eyes. And, this dudes hands are SICKLY pale."

The blonde huffed, and cross his arms."Soo, he has pale hands and maroon eyes when the camera flash shines on them. I'm sorry Quackity this just won't be enough to look into. Actually, I think it's a good idea to discharge you for a while. You've been doing a lot lately- I-I just think it'll be better for you to rest."

"Your suspending me?!" Alex stood up, and began gathering his things.

"Just.. for a while. Paid leave, it'll do you a lot of good."

He put his evidence in a folder and shoved it into his duffel bag, along with his laptop. "I'm going to prove you wrong, Clay. I know this is more than just a shady dude."

Leaving it at that, Alex left the room and slammed the door on his way out, leaving clay on his own.


"It's just a joke, sap. Honestly, after months of nothing, and something finally comes up he doesn't believe me!" Alex groaned as he and Nick walked through the city.

"Look, dude. I've been studying the same as you and I honestly just can't see enough to act on it. I know you're mad but, it'd just be a waste of recourses."

Alex sighed as they reached the city centre, and turned into the repellent store. "Whatever. I need to get some stuff from repellent, are you coming?"

"Yeah sure."

They walked around the store, discussing work, and how weird it was that Vampires only weakness was garlic.

"Like, garlic out of everything? It could've been something cool like fire." Alex snorted.

Nick laughed, and picked up the bag of garlic cloves, inspecting the label. "Honestly, fire would just make them weaker. Garlics like, more random. In natural circumstances they aren't going to die are they?"

"True, but in most cases they don't die anyway. Just pour milk down those fuckers throats and they go totally insane. If they get enough of it,  calcium goes through their bloodstream they loose their fangs, everything else weakens over time, before they turn completely mortal and die of old age."

"Don't you think if they weren't so villainous, and stuff, they'd be kind of hot? Like, imagine it. A hot vampire chick with fangs." Nick remarked, brushing his dark hair out of his face.

"Nick, I'm sorry I'm just not hearing you out."

"Alex come on, you just won't admit it. I'd definitely fuck a vampire."

"Gross!" Alex laughed and his cheeks flushed slightly.

"Your blushing! You so would."

"Be quiet! Clay would have you sacked immediately if he heard you say that."

"Clay can suck my nuts."

Quackity rolled his eyes, and threw garlic cloves and red eye contacts into his cart.

"Red contacts?"

"I'm going to go into the other side of town later, loads of them hang around there."

"You're actually serious about this? That's so unsafe, Alex. They can smell you from a mile off."

"It's fine, I'll rub garlic on my wrists and my neck."

"No offense, but if I was one of them and you came in, absolutely stinking of garlic, I'd probably leave."

"Can you just shut up? You're not helping!"

"Okay Jeez!"

Alex threw in prosthetic fangs, and hand wax.

By the time they'd finished shopping, it was evening time, and town felt eery.

"Nick, do you just want to crash at mine? It's late, and you live on the other side of the city." Alex questioned, wiping his eyes.

"If you don't mind, that'd be pretty good."

The pair walked into Alex's small house, it was a modern place and you could tell he cared about attention to detail. Photos hung off the walls along with several crucifixes.

The Crucifix was a known symbol of keeping the monsters away, a spiritual forcefuild that was believed to keep you completely safe.

Alex had it everywhere. He had tattoos with the crucifix, evil eye, jewellery of the two, all sorts.
It was a three bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and a cozy living room, with an open kitchen. It was definitely a reflection of Alex's mind.

Nick inspected the hanging evil eye from the kitchen window, reaching his hand to touch the ornament.

"DONT TOUCH THAT!" Quackity yelled, pulling him away.

"What?! What's happening?!" Nick screamed.

"It hold and catches evil spirits, if you touch it they'll escape."

"Quackity, are you really that superstitious?"

The ravenette gave his colleague a look, and he soon backed off.

Alex unbuttoned his shirt and lifted it over his head, replacing it with a dark sweatshirt.

"I didn't know you had back tattoos!"

"Yep. Nothing to drastic."

"Nothing to drastic? Dude, you have two fat skeleton wings on your back. Kinda freaky."

"Yeah if someone wants to hit it from behind." Alex snorted, and earned a laugh from Nick.

He put the contacts into his eyes and inserted the prosthetic fangs.

"Does it look real?"

"If you hide the necklace, you might pass? You might even catch a hot vampire chick while your out."

"Nick, I'm gay. And stop referring to women as 'chicks' it's weird."

Alex threw the tv remote at Nick on the sofa and a car key. "Snacks in the cupboard, take my car if you need to go anywhere, k?"

"Alrighty, be safe."

He smiled and Nick waved him off out the door.


Fake fangs // TNTDUO 🧨 \\ Vampire au‼️Where stories live. Discover now