Chapter I

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  One day you got invited to an after party and saw Jude, yall made eye contact all night. You got to drinking and woke up the next morning, but this penthouse doesn’t look like yours at all…sheets are white and the room light, you look in the wall and see a framed jersey and it says “Bellingham” your turn see Jude and his neck is full of hickeys.
As you gather your bearings, the memories of the night start flooding back. You piece together the events, remembering the allure of the after-party and the intense eye contact with him. But now, in this unfamiliar penthouse, confusion sets in. Your eyes fixate on the framed jersey bearing the name "Bellingham," a puzzle piece in this strange morning after. You look again at Jude,the realization hits: last night took an unexpected turn, leaving you with more questions than answers.
As you take in the sight of Jude, his presence in the room seems to amplify. You remember hearing about him, the renowned pro football player whose name reverberates in stadiums and headlines. In contrast, your own ascent as a rising supermodel has garnered attention in its own right, but the worlds you both inhabit had never intersected until last night.
The night's events unfold in your mind like a cinematic sequence: the allure of the after-party, the magnetic pull between you and Jude, and the reckless abandon that led to this morning's disorienting discovery. Despite the glitz and glamour of your respective careers, in this moment, you're just two individuals caught in a whirlwind of unexpected connection and consequence. As you process the reality of the situation, a myriad of emotions swirl within you, leaving you grappling with the implications of what transpired between a famous footballer and a rising starlet in the darkness of this unfamiliar penthouse.

Y/N:*I move him gently* ayo....
Jude:*his eyes widen in surprise as you gently touch him* mmm...
Y/N:Why am I here..?
Jude:*grins lazily, his eyes still half-closed with sleep and the aftermath of their night together. He pulls you closer, his strong arms encircling your waist* You're here because you wanted to be.
Y/N:I don't want to be here,why am i here?? *i push you gently*
Jude:*his grin widens, amused by your sudden change in attitude. He leans back against the headboard, his eyes roaming over your body with a slow appreciation* I think you might be forgetting last night
Y/N:Did we have...?
Jude:*his lips twitch into a wicked smile, and he nods slowly* Yes, we did. And now you're here with me, in my bed
Y/N:wait a second...did you touching me?
Jude: no,no,of course I did!
Y/N:how dare you!? *I slap him*

Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now