★ a night to express it all

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Satoru slowly walked towards the counter, his menacing demeanour seems to be intimidating the woman as he just stands there; waiting for someone. He would never say this, but after Suguru left him, a part of him was now gone. Satoru wanted to chase after him and just, pull him again. But his mind was telling him that he was out of his league. After that, every single second, he always wondered about Suguru. Where he is now, what he is doing now, what is he eating now. Everything; because he loves Suguru, but he is just that a little fucking coward that he would never admit it.

A ring on his phone got him out of his thoughts, he fished his phone through his pockets and when he spotted it, Satoru was never quick to grab his phone ever in his life. Huffing as he clicked the green button, he went to answer the call, going to a more shrouded area. He didn't notice the woman looking at him still, with confusion.



Suguru spoke, his voice was so sweet, it was like honey. The way he dragged the last syllable up in his tongue was so addicting, Satoru could listen to it for hours- days even. He knows he must've acted like a teenage slut whenever Suguru calls him that way. He was a teenager back then, but is it normal that you're acting this way because of your best friend?

"Where are you now, i can't see you."

"Let's just meet up at a hotel, you choose." He could hear shuffling from the other line and he couldn't help but have a slight doubt.

"Okay.." Satoru agreed, though there was a hint of undeniable doubt in his voice, the person on the other line didn't seem to mind. Suguru hung up and he quickly sent the location of the hotel he had chosen. It was rather an expensive looking one, coming from Satoru Gojo, of course.

Satoru couldn't help but shudder at the cold wind that was getting even colder now, his blue orbs glistening against the moonlight. Satoru let out a deep breath, looking around to the place he had chosen earlier and grimaced at the disgusting things he had found. Shrugging, he now made his way to the hotel, but first he was waiting for his driver that was taking forever to come.

While waiting, he wanted to scream at how his brain kept repeating a mantra of his name, it was annoying. It didn't need to remind him that he was now meeting his loved one, there will be a war against Sorcerers and curses and he is meeting up with Suguru? It was ridiculous, as frankly, it didn't meet his pretty standards to encounter Suguru like this, he must say, it was quite too boring for him. But Suguru was a fucking literal wanted criminals, said by those higher ups. He couldn't do anything better now.

A loud honk of a car jolted him away from his thoughts, he groaned, looking to see his driver, Ijichi looking terrified as ever. He didn't say any words and he just roughly grabbed the handle and opened the car door in an instant, he took a seat at the passenger seat and slammed the door closed, He could see how the driver trembled with fear and cleared his throat. Satoru was an asshole for doing that, but he kinda found it fun to scare off people that were actually fearing him because he is 'the strongest'. Ijichi didn't ask anymore questions and just drove off, not wanting to push Satoru over the edge.

The car drive was the most painful one, in Satoru's opinion, it was like torturous on how slow the time was. He thought that it was maybe mocking him from every single fiber of his being. He can't wait to see- to feel Suguru, he was desperate to hold him in his arms, to never let go just for the night. But the time was slowly passing, and it was taking half of Satoru. He had asked if they were near, and Ijichi answered in a shaking voice.

"Yes, we'll be t-there in a few moments."

With those exact words, he felt so relieved that he was finally close to Suguru, just a little bit more and he will be feeling his touch for all those 10 years of yearning and longing for him. His mind was telling him to go back, but he decided to follow his heart; to reach for him- to love him again. Even though they branded themselves as best friends, Satoru couldn't shake off the feeling whenever he was around, and he knew, Suguru felt it too. There is always that sensual and unusual arousal tension filling the gap between them, and it was intoxicating for Satoru. It was the feeling he knew he wanted- and Suguru wanted it too.

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