After The Battle.

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After the hotel was repaired to a even better version of the hotel Alastor helped Charlie build Alastor wasn't to surprised to see Lucifer move in and yet he still was trying to drive him away getting into fights with him almost hourly. Obviously that meant he wasn't paying attention to one demon in particular Vox, and he didn't like that one bit. "Ugh. They're fighting again" Vox mumbles before taking a sip out of his classic mug that says 'Fuck you Alastor' as he moves the drone a little closer to the window trying to get the best view possible Alastor enters the room he's looking at and the video doesn't start glitching out making Vox realize that Alastor doesn't know he's watching. A smug smile plays onto Vox's face as the Radio demon starts bickering with the king of hell again Vox let's out a deep sigh "that stupid demon shouldn't be fighting with him right now.." Vox feels jealousy slowly starting to grow but he wouldn't do anything about it, it's the king of hell anyways what could he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He starts to get up to get more coffee before something catches his eye the screen starts glitching. "About time he noticed I guess." Vox rolls his eyes before moving the drone to a new position and leaving to get more coffee.

Meanwhile at the hotel

Charlie walks into the lobby and finds Lucifer picking a fight with Alastor while Alastor is spacing off looking out a window "why should I-" Lucifer gets cut off mid sentence by Alastor "Vox was watching us again." Alastor turns his head to Charlie "how was your night dear?" He says in a curious manner as Luci is visibly upset he got cut off and heads to his room he flashes Charlie a smile while walking past her "when will you two learn to get along?" She says with a concerned smile "ah, Charlie not everybody will get along sadly" he walks up to Charlie and gives her a pat on the head "now how was your night?" Alastor asks her once more tilting his head this time "it was good I guess" she answers quietly as she walks over to where Angel and Niffty are talking

Meanwhile back in vox's office

He sits back down at his desk and continues watching the hotel through his drones cameras because he obviously has nothing else to do "this is more boring then when I have to deal with Val's tantrums." He sighs as he takes another sip out of his fresh coffee and stares at Alastor as he walks out the hotel for his daily walk "dumb deer.." Vox gets up and places his coffee on the desk and opens his phone as he walks out of his office onto a elevator going down to Velette's recording studio to go talk to velette about her latest fashion post to basically tell her it was stupid because he's unbelievably bored "Vel you're lastest post has bad look to it because of one of your models" Vox says walking up to Velette with a smile on his face like he didn't just insult Velette's ability to take pictures "Are you trying to start something Vox?" She says with a straight face looking up from her phone and then gives him a side eye "of course not I just don't want your posts to make us look...bad." Vox looks up from his phone and shows her his phone and she rolls her eyes and looks at her phone and scrolls through some things before Vox gets a notification and saw she deleted the post "there are you happy now shoo" she waves her hand at him in a shooing manner and Vox turns away with a winning smile on his face as he walks off and goes back into the elevator scrolling through his phone before seeing one of Angel dust's posts and sees Alastor in the background and immediately saves the picture as the elevator dings and he gets out and walks back to his office putting away his phone in his back pocket and sits back down looking back at the screen seeing Alastor in cannibal Town "interesting is he seeing Rosie again?" He picks up his cup and takes a sip and realizes his coffee went cold "ugh." Whatever he had in his mouth went straight back into the cup Vox hated cold coffee. So he gets up to get a refill

Meanwhile with Alastor

He walks around cannibal town with his usual smile plastered on his face as he grunts slightly as he walks due to the gash on his chest but he continues walking around as sinners back away from the smiling demon as he continues on his walk throughout the pride ring he leaves the cannibal town and starts going more into the area around the V tower and he notices his outer layer of his suit getting slightly more red showing just how injured he really is "I wasn't expecting the bandages to need to be changed already.." Alastor says quietly to himself holding his chest slightly as he melts into the shadows and back to the hotel as he reappers in the lobby Husk immediately notices his boss and his ears drop and a irritated look appears and Angel stops talking to him and turns his head to look at Alastor whos smile is slightly more slanted then usual as he walks past everyone and to his room "what's his deal?" Lucifer says with a annoyed tone "it's smiles it could be anything" Angel says before getting up and stretching. Meanwhile in Alastor's room he's changing his bandages constantly telling himself how stupid he was for letting the bandages get this bad because of how soaked in blood they were, it was causing a lot of pain for the wound so Alastor decided to clean it for the first time since the battle.

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