chapter 39

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Shivani's pov

I don't know what's wrong with arjun.... I mean I told him about my my engagement. ...all he gave me was a dull congratulations....and suddenly stopped our talk and dropped me home....he is soo moody..... its such a big news for me and he is busy behaving like a grumpy old man.... I tried calling him and he is not even picking up my phone.....

Just as I reached home Siddharth's parents and my parents were talking .....

"Arre shivani beta ..... we were just talking about your engagement. .... I know both of you are engaged but lets celebrate and make it we have decided to celebrate the occasion after two day.....what say?" Asked Siddharth's mom (my soon to be mother in law)

"Ummm..... I am ok....but you must ask Siddharth too...."

"Hahaha beta we already did and he asked us to do the same. ...."
She then turned her attention to my mom and said..."they are cute ....just made for eachother....I feel soo lucky to have shivani as my soon to be daughter. ...."

"Hahaha yes they are made for eachother. ..... I am soo glad that she gets you as her mother in law"

"No no.... not mother in law....if she will become my daughter them I'll be her mother na..."

They just looked at eachother and smiled....

I then was about to leave ....
"Shivani beta you better go for shopping. have only two days for your engagement" said my mom...

"Sure mom.... I'll go..."

"Alone??....take Siddharth along na" said Siddharth's mom

"Yes I'll go with him...."

"Chalo that's good....after this you both will hardly get time to meet eachother because of the wedding" said my mom

" it??...but we will meet in hospital mom"

"You know what I mean na...." said my mom

Then I left and called my soon to husband

"Hello my beautiful princess"

"Hello my handsome prince..."

"I was just about to call you....I miss you already. ..."

"Oho...all this romance shomance is only till we get married after that nothing. ..." I said

"Hahaha no baby. ...never....I promise"

"Ya ya we'll see...."

"Well you see then"

"Accha....I need to go for our engagement shopping. meet me at the mall?"

"Ummm.....ok....anyways I am almost done for the day.."

"Great!.... love you bye"

"Love you more...bye"

Then I got ready and left....just as I sat in my car..... I decided to call arjun.....if he picks up phone I would love it if he could join us...besides Siddharth and arjun have hardly met each other and I want my best friend to meet and get to know my soon to be husband. ....

I called him....hope that old hrump moody man picks my phone. ..

"Hello shivani"

"Aah...finally mr busy bee had the time to pick up phone...."

"Sorry shivani. ...actually my phone was in silent"

" problem. ....listen I need you to come to the mall with me for my engagement shopping. .... plus you could meet Siddharth .... its important that you approve of him for me arjun....after my parents its you whom I trust the please come. ..."

"Sure shivani. ...for you anything"

"Thankyou!!.... meet you in a bit....byee"



Hey my beautiful readers!
Like I said fast updates. ....
So what do you think?.... Siddharth and arjun meeting face to face....any tension?


LOVE YOU ALL! ! ☆★♡♥

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