Chapter 2 : Clues & Suspects

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The morning sun bathed the Sinclair mansion in a golden glow as Detective Emily Hayes sat at her temporary desk in the study. The room was a whirlwind of activity, with officers coming and going, gathering evidence and conducting interviews. Emily reviewed the notes from her initial investigation, her mind focused on unraveling the mystery of Victoria Sinclair's disappearance.A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and Detective Markham entered, a folder in hand. "Detective Hayes, I have the preliminary reports from the interviews with the staff and family members.""Thank you, Markham," Emily replied, motioning for him to sit.Markham placed the folder on her desk. "It seems everyone has a different theory about what happened to Miss Sinclair."Emily nodded, opening the folder and scanning through the reports. The staff had varying accounts of Victoria's behavior leading up to her disappearance—some mentioned arguments with her sister, Olivia, while others spoke of a mysterious visitor to the mansion the night of the gala."What about the family?" Emily asked, her gaze fixed on Markham."Mr. Sinclair is distraught but cooperative. Mrs. Sinclair is in shock, and Miss Olivia Sinclair seems agitated, to say the least," Markham replied, his tone neutral.Emily noted the tensions within the family dynamics. "I'll need to speak with them individually. Sometimes, it's the smallest detail that can break a case wide open."She set aside the reports and focused on her strategy. Her first stop was Olivia Sinclair, Victoria's older sister. Emily found her in the library, surrounded by books but lost in thought."Miss Sinclair, may I have a word?" Emily said, approaching her with a gentle smile.Olivia looked up, her eyes red-rimmed from tears. "Detective Hayes, please, call me Olivia. And yes, of course, ask me anything."Emily pulled out a chair and sat across from her. "I understand this is a difficult time, but I need to ask about your relationship with Victoria. Were there any recent conflicts or disagreements?"Olivia sighed, twirling a lock of dark hair between her fingers. "Victoria and I had our differences, like any siblings. She was always the center of attention, always Daddy's favorite. But I would never wish harm upon her. I love her, despite everything."Emily noted Olivia's sincerity but filed away her words for further consideration. Next, she spoke with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair separately, gathering more insights into Victoria's life and the events leading up to her disappearance.As the day progressed, Emily's investigation took her deeper into the intricacies of the Sinclair family's world. Rumors of financial troubles, business rivalries, and even whispers of a hidden family fortune surfaced, adding layers of complexity to the case.In the late afternoon, Emily retreated to her temporary office, her mind buzzing with information. She spread out the map she had found in Victoria's hidden room, tracing the marked locations with her finger. The outskirts of town, where the woods grew dense and mysterious, beckoned to her like a puzzle waiting to be solved."I need to visit Wickerwood," Emily murmured to herself, recalling the cryptic symbols and artifacts she had discovered.Before she could make any plans, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. It was Olivia, her expression a mix of apprehension and determination."Detective Hayes, I need to talk to you," Olivia said, stepping into the room.Emily gestured for her to take a seat. "Of course, Olivia. What's on your mind?"Olivia hesitated before speaking. "I know Victoria had secrets. Secrets she kept even from me. I found something in her room—a journal with strange symbols and writings. I thought it might be important."Emily's interest piqued. "May I see it?"Olivia nodded, retrieving the journal from her bag and handing it to Emily. The journal was leather-bound, its pages filled with intricate drawings, cryptic symbols, and passages in a language Emily didn't recognize."This is fascinating," Emily said, flipping through the pages. "Do you have any idea what it means?"Olivia shook her head. "None. Victoria was always interested in the occult, ancient myths, and legends. But this seems different, darker somehow."Emily made a mental note to have the journal analyzed by experts. "Thank you for bringing this to me, Olivia. It could be a crucial piece of the puzzle."As Olivia left, Emily delved into the journal, studying each page with a detective's eye for detail. The symbols hinted at a hidden world, one that Victoria had been exploring in secret. Could this be connected to her disappearance?The day faded into evening, but Emily's determination only grew stronger. She had more questions than answers, but she knew that every clue, every revelation brought her closer to unraveling the mystery of Victoria Sinclair's disappearance.And as the shadows lengthened outside the Sinclair mansion, Emily prepared herself for the next phase of her investigation—delving into the enigma of Wickerwood, where whispers carried secrets of ancient magic and forgotten lore.

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