character I made😱😱😱🦅🦅🦅🗡️🗡️🗡️🧌🧌🧌🧌

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Soooo, one of my friends makes original characters, gives them backstories, writes stories about them, and stuff

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Soooo, one of my friends makes original characters, gives them backstories, writes stories about them, and stuff. I think that's pretty cool and that like inspired me to do that too, so I made this character and two others.👍

This guys name is Aurelio. I'm pretty sure his name means golden. He's just a silly guy. He like always has literally everything in his backpack. You name it, he has it. He's practically Mary Poppins.
His parents don't care about him at all (gotta make him an angsty boy☺️). Like, they don't care if he's safe or not, they don't care if he gets good or bad grades, they don't care if he's sad or happy, they don't care if he does dr*gs or not, they literally do not give a crap. Because of that, he used do bad things to try to make them care and get their attention—he got arrested for shoplifting twice and did mild dr*gs.
So, he's kinda like Bob Sheldon from The Outsiders. Except, unlike Bob, Aurelio realized his parents wont ever care and he stops doing that stuff when he turns 13. Also, he didn't do nearly as bad things as Bob.
Also, he has powers because he's quirky like that☺️. Basically, he can spawn golden weapons out of thin air. To create the weapons, he needs to know everything about them; how they're built, how they work, what they're made of, etc. So far, he can only make pistols, Saker cannons, katana's, and khopesh's (Egyptian sickle-like swords).

That's about it lol:))

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