☆Chapter 1 (part 1)☆

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"How do the rich stay rich?"

"How do they make the poor stay poor you mean miss." I answer uninterested in the new discussion.

"Thank you for your contribution Kiara, however I asked how. Can you answer that for me?" Miss Scarlet is rarely pissed , however on this specific occasion she seems most definitely pissed.

"Of course miss," I smile sweetly, recieving an over exagerated eyeroll from my teacher, "by taxing us, miss. Taxing us on everything. Leaving us fucking penniless, miss. Taxing us on love for gods sake."

Some huffs of agreement from around the room before miss Scarlet shouts, "KIARA. LANGUAGE, KIARA. However I guess you are correct. Yes, the Elites do tax us. And on practically everything. Including love."


"Ah, okay class, we shall continue our discussion tomorrow, pack up and enjoy your lunch."


This lunch que is the longest it's been in a while. People have less money now, I guess, after they started taxing us on even who, and how many, we love. Well that and the fact a large group of Elites have decided to join us 'poor folk' to get a sense of 'how the slummers live, you know understand the... other less fortunate kind'.

Although they still have separate classes we share a campus and, because of such, share a dining centre. And as much as id love to say I have enough money to go off campus for lunch, I do not, so I am stuck in line- like everyone else- with these snotty rich brats.

I scan the lunch hall for my best friend, Alice, and spot her fiery red hair across the hall. However, she is looking in the completely other direction, at a group of elites no less. What's there to like about a group of ungrateful idiots all fancily dressed anyways? I mean it's there fault we're stuck in this dreary place. 'Learn how the 'slummers' live'? More like flaunt your wealth infront off a group of poor, and even poverty stricken, people.


When I eventually get my lunch, which consists of a soggy cheese panini, an apple, a bag of off brand crisps and a glass of water, all of which are the cheapest things on the menu, I make my way over to Alice who has finally managed to tear her eyes off the Elites and spare me a glance. Her eyes brighten as she flashes her cheeky grin.

I met Alice back when she was in the middle class. They weren't exactly rich or poor, but had more than enough to get by on. She'd helped me and my family when we got into a rough patch because of the new taxing laws a couple years back and we grew inseparable. However it was also due to those rules that her own family fell upon hard times which in turn seemed to bring us even closer.

Alice has always been the sort to believe in 'love at first sight' and I can tell by the look on her face she had found a new guy or girl to be obsessed with.

"Soo, Ria, what do you think about the Elites that have joined?" Her eyes straying over the the group of Elites behind me.

"I think you know exactly what I think about them." I reply laughing at the exasperated look on her face.

"I mean don't you think they're actually kinda hot. Like I wasn't expecting much, but whewww they are something else Ria, I'm telling you."

"C'mon A! Firstly, are we even looking at the same people!? They look like old man Joe from down the road! And are you forgetting just who put both of our families in the positions they are now?"

"Awww but Ria! It's like a forbidden romance!! Like Cinderella meeting her princess charming, or Romeo and Juliet."

"Well I just hope that Noah and Jake's group don't take a liking to them, 'cause I am not riding with some snotty rich playboy"

"Oh, so that's how slummers think of us is it" I take a sharp breath in as I feel a breath on my neck. "Well slummer I'll tell you one thing. It ain't out fault we're so good looking, or is it our fault you guys can't pay your taxes"

I practically gag in my food. Without turning around I say "Oh, the this is how the Elite's think of us is it? And who's fucking fault is it that we can't pay out taxes? Hmm? Well maybe if you didn't tax us om every single thing we wouldn't have to put up with your bullshit and you would be able to keep your perfect image. What with being God's 'chosen ones' and all that crap."

"Well haven't you got quite the foul mouth? What for such a pretty little thing" I can hear the mock in his tone as his friends laugh around him. "Oh, and sweetheart, I prefer to be looked at when I'm speaking."

Alice is sitting there, fidgeting with her hands, she cant deal with confrontation, and more than anything hates the stupid arguments I get myself involved in.

"Don't feel like answering sweetheart? That's a shame, really, you had so much to say a second ago. And for gods sake I told you to look at me." He sneers out the words, as if he can't bear to talk to me, no as if he can't believe someone so beneath him would refuse to do something he had ordered them to do.

"Listen here 'Mr. Elite', I'm awfully sorry to tell you this but you're one of us now. 'Once a Slummer always a Slummer.' Isn't that what you lot like to say? Well guess what buckaroo? You're a Slummer are, like it or not, attending our school, eating out food, going to our classes. And whether it is for 'research' purposes or whatever it is you people are here for, we don't have to answer to you. Because right now, in this school you are on the same level as is sweetheart"

I get up to leave gulping down the water and grabbing my apple and crisps before gesturing for Alice to do the same. We walk straight past the group of Elites, still refusing to give then the satisfaction of looking at any of them. I can feel eyes burning into the back of my head from the opposite direction and turn to see Noah and Jake laughing in a bigger grouo than normal. However, whoever was looking had already stopped.


Authors note x

The first chapter is shown in two parts! (Both leads POV's) hope it won't be too confusing x
Anywaysss hope you enjoyed the first chapter from Kiara's POV x

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