Chapter E

106 4 5

Author POV
Yeosang hummed the song playing in his airpods, unlocking the car as the soft crisp of concrete sounded through the air. The music went from his ears to his car. It was the playlist for the fashion show that was in a week. He wasn't scared in the slightest, all he had to do was walk on beat and look pretty. Not to mention Seonghwa had been giving him tips on how to convey emotion when walking. He definitely felt like it would elevate his walking. Because what is a pretty face with only one emotion? A doll.

He definitely had a taste for coffee, he thought about where to get it from and he somehow found himself typing in the coffee shop with the. heavenly coffee he had been obsessed with a week and a half ago. He shrugged and put in the destination, waiting for his car to load the directions. He fixed his hair in the mirror hearing his GPS go off didn't stop him though. He was a damn sight to see, so what's the rush? The coffee will be there, this lighting and how perfectly Anhee did his make up wouldn't last forever.

He finally closed his mirror and started to drive to the coffee shop. He kept his eyes focused on the road, he made a few less than child friendly remarks at some idiot drivers and kept it pushing. His mind was set on coffee, he missed the creamy bitter yet oh so sweet taste and the feeling of the thickness of the cream going down his throat. He felt his mouth water a bit so he gulped, he turned his playlist off and arrived at the coffee shop, he went to parallel park and that's when he saw Jiwoong in his rear camera.

"Jiwoong!" Yeosang said excitedly, backing into his parking spot when Jiwoong backed up.

Yeosang got out the car and waved at Jiwoong.

"Hi Yeosang, have you tried this spot?" Jiwoong asked.

"Yeah I just found this place about 2 weeks ago. Their coffee is really good." Yeosang said.

"Just get me what you get." Jiwoong said, having full faith in Yeosang's coffee picking ability.

"M'kay, I really hope you like it." Yeosang said, opening the door for Jiwoong due to line of superiority.

Yeosang walked in and Jiwoong let out a small sound of astonishment.

"It looks so different on the outside." Jiwoong commented.

"Let me show you my favorite painting after we order." Yeosang said, texting away on his phone to talk to his manager.

"Hi, I would like two americanos extra cream..." Yeosang carried off into his conversation, quick reading over his managers text and then looking up, he locked eyes with Yunho and then traveled off to look at San who seemed to be furiously making their drinks.

Yeosang finished off their order and paid, not taking too much consideration in why San was angry. He smiled at Yunho as Yunho handed them their ticket and he walked away with Jiwoong.

"This is my favorite one, it speaks but it's only a painting." Yeosang said.

Jiwoong was definitely his museum buddy no matter what, they were so engulfed into it they didn't hear San call for their drinks. Jiwoong tapped him and Yeosang turned to see their drinks.

Yeosang picked them up and Jiwoong tried his, he made a face.

"Ew this is disgusting." Jiwoong whispered, trying to be respectful.

Yeosang raised a brow and turned towards the bathroom.

"I'm sorry I know this is your first time having it. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Yeosang said, following San close to the bathroom.

"San." Yeosang called. 

"What may I help you with sir?" San responded angrily.

"Dropping the attitude because I didn't do whatever's got you upset. What's with the shitty drink?" Yeosang asked.

"You would know about what's shitty right? Fucking me senseless and then ghosting me? What the fuck is that about?" San said, covering up any noise he was about to make when Yeosang pushed him into the biggest stall, a firm hand wrapped around his throat.

"I said take your time, you could've wrote your number down, and watch your fucking tone when you're speaking to me, San." Yeosang said, tightening the grip on San's throat.

"I was in a rush for work and you never stopped by the cafe in the past 10 days." San said holding up both hands to make a point.

Yeosang softened his grip and moved his hand to San's jaw.

"I didn't think you wanted to see me again." Yeosang said.

"I wanted to, so badly." San said, wrapping his arms around Yeosang's neck and connecting their lips.

Yeosang kissed back, sticking his tongue in San's mouth groaning at the way San's hands tangled in his hair.

"Hey, that's inappropriate." San said, smiling at Yeosang who had his hand in between his legs.

"You're right, so is being hard at work so let me help you." Yeosang said.

Yeosang heard the door open and San jumped into his arms.

"Yeosang? I just wanted to tell you I have to go." Jiwoong said.

"Okay, enjoy the rest of your day it was nice seeing you." Yeosang said, gripping San's ass tightly when San kissed up on his neck.

"You too, bye." Jiwoong said, closing the door behind him.

San got back on his feet and Yeosang turned him to face the mirror in the bathroom. Yeosang slid down the stretchy waist band of San's cargo pants and smirked at San's cat underwear.

"Cute." Yeosang said, yanking them down to reveal San's length.

"Thanks." San said sweetly.

Yeosang rolled his hips into San's causing San to understand that he wanted him to fuck his hand. Yeosang was loosening and tightening his grip around San. San just looked at him the mirror and his pink lips fell open.

"Fuc-mmgh" San was interrupted by Yeosang's hand coming up to his mouth.

"San, I know you're on your break but may you please come and help?" Yunho said quickly.

Yeosang kept fisting him and moved his hand from San's mouth. San shook his head frantically, mouthing he was going to cum. Yeosang went faster and mouthed answer him.

"Yeah I'm cumming." San said, his voice getting high pitched in the end.

"Okay, thank you." Yunho said, closing the door behind him.

Yeosang covered San's mouth as he continued to cover his hand in his liquids. San finally came down from his high and Yeosang pulled his underwear and pants up.

"Enjoy work." Yeosang whispered, walking out of the stall while San breathed to regain his strength.

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