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Hallo, readers!

Welcome to my Choose Your Own Adventure book. Here are a few things you should know before we get started. Or, just skip all the bold text if you feel confident!

Your choices directly impact your statistics.

- If you get too hungry, you'll slowly lose health and focus. Eat food to decrease this!
- Same goes with imposter hunger, except you need to eat raw meat to decrease it. Human meat decreases it the most, but you could try substituting animal meat, or blood.
- If you get too thirsty, you'll slowly lose health and focus, but also gain exhaustion. Drink to decrease this.
- If your bathroom stat gets too high, I don't think I need to explain that. Having an accident causes filth, which lowers your health and makes it much harder to romance until you get clean. It also raises suspicion.
- If your exhaustion gets too high, you'll pass out, lose a large amount of health, and time skip. The higher your exhaustion, the slower you'll move, and the more you'll lose focus.
- Focus is important for making good decisions. The lower your focus, the more irrational your choices will get, which can raise your suspicion.
- Suspicion is what gets you caught. If you reach 100% suspicion, you will get ejected. Lower suspicion by getting to know people, getting them to trust you.

You can interact with all the characters in a variety of ways. Your gender matters, and that's why there's so many options to be as specific as possible. Some characters will only date you and such if you're a feminine woman, for example.

Finally, this will be updated at random. Do not demand updates, I'll do my best.
(Parts with stars in the title mean all the options are published.)

Now, let's start.


Please select your character.

⭐1. Woman (6 characters)
⭐2. Man (6 characters)
⭐3. Nonbinary (6 characters)

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