Chapter 2:Training

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The next day arrives and mineta is up bright and early, he stretches as he felt his muscles relax.

He sighs as he takes out his training outfit consisting of a grey muscle shirt and black sweatpants. He puts on some black Nike shoes and goes to the door, he meets izuku along the way. He was wearing a similar outfit to him, except his usual red sneakers.

Mineta:Morning Izuku.

Izuku:Hey mineta, heading to the gym?

Mineta:Yeah, I gotta see what this new body can do.

Izuku nods as they continue their journey to the gym, he could see that mineta was dead set on testing his body's capabilities.

As they arrived, mineta goes to the bench press and loads up 300 kg, while izuku heads over to the pull-up bar.

He gets under the bar, and starts lifting it, he does this for 50 reps while Izuku was doing 100 pull up to strengthen his back and shoulder muscles.

Mineta:How you doing Izuku?

Izuku:Doing alright here, you?

Mineta:Doing good aswell, seems like my natural strength has increased drastically. Though, I had made an appointment with recovery girl to see what caused my migraines, but now I have to get some information about my change aswell.

Izuku nods as mineta gets up and fries off the sweat,he walks with Izuku to RG's office.

Mineta:Recovery Girl, I'm here for my appointment.

Recovery girl puts down her clipboard and turns to him, she was suprised to see his new appearance.

RG: Hello Young Mineta, please sit down on the bed.

Mineta ducks his head as he enters the room, izuku follows close behind. He sister down on the bed while izuku sat on a chair.

RG:I remember you said you had some severe migraines the other day.

Mineta:Yes, my head aches were so bad as I usually felt as if my head was about to explode. Though my body ached at times aswell.

Recovery Girl nods as she wrote down some notes, taking in everything he was describing. She then picked up a syringe.

RG:Okay mineta, I'll be taking a blood sample to see what may have caused your drastic change.

Mineta nods as he held his arm out for her, she preps the spot by trying off his arm with a strap and used an alcohol wipe to clean the area. She then gently inserts it into his arm, the blood flowed into the vial. Once it was done, she applied a bandage and removed the strap.

Mineta:Thank you recovery girl, I hope it's nothing serious.

RG:I don't believe so, but I'll look into it right now.

She goes to a blood testing machine, putting the vial into the machine. As the machine analyzed the sample, mineta and izuku engaged in conversation.

Izuku:So how are you feeling mineta?

Mineta:I feel fantastic, I feel like I have truly changed as a person.

Izuku nods as he has seen his change, he has been better about his behavior around their female classmates and women in general.

Izuku:I'm glad to hear that Mineta, so got any plans for today?

Mineta:I'm heading to the pet store today to get some fish for my aquarium.

Izuku nods, he likes that mineta had a much better hobby than his old one. He sees that he wants to be a better person and hero in the long run. Soon RG comes back with some information.

RG:So young mineta, your results have come back and your migraines were caused by your body expelling large amounts of HGH, or human growth hormones. This caused your brain to evolve and mature, your body did the same, but are you alright? Tho sort of growth causes great amounts of pain as your body tried to convert the hormones to grow. Did you experience this?

Mineta thinks for a moment, he was hoping not to say anything as he wanted to keep it secret until he was ready to explain. Izuku looks at him with concern etched on his features.

Mineta:The night before, I experienced my body tearing itself apart, bones breaking and rearranging themselves, my skin felt as though it was on fire, my blood boiling within my veins. Nobody heard my scream due to my room's sound proofing. I felt as though I would die, but I accepted it as punishment for all the horrible things I had done.

Izuku looked at him with great concern and horror, he was willing to not say anything about his growth, simply because he viewed it as a punishment due to his behavior. The same can be said about Recovery Girl, sensing Mineta's true feelings regarding himself.

RG: I understand that you didn't want to say anything, but I can tell you your physical capabilities have increased exponentially, your strength rivals that of all might in his prime, your speed is similar to that of a few speed quirk users and your reflexs are on part with that of Miruko and Aizawa.

Mineta:That's very interesting, but has this change done anything to my quirk?

RG:It appears your quirk was replaced with a strength enhancement quirk, it works similar to Izuku's but has a more potent effect.

Mineta:How is that possible?

RG:Your body must have unlocked a hidden quirk. I was laid dormant so to your body's DNA must have rewritten your quirks completely.

Mineta was suprised,so was Izuku he couldn't believe that he had gotten a way better quirk than before.

After that, they head out for the day to enjoy their day. Izuku Heads to his room to do some research on Mineta's change while Mineta heads to the city.

He goes to the local pet store and buys two Oscar fish. One was a white with orange. While the other was a dark blue with gold stripes.

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He goes back to the dorm after buying the right food aswell

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He goes back to the dorm after buying the right food aswell. He gently placed the two fish bags to left the fish acclimate to the tank's temperature. After 15 minutes he gently placed the two fish in the tank.

One they were settled, he fed the some pellets and goes on about his day.


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