Morning Sunshine

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What a peaceful morning until...
"Oh shit" muttered Tyler as he banged his head on the bathroom door whilst falling backwards.
"Nice going there clumsy!" shouted a familiar voice. A voice in which Tyler had loved since birth. Her beautiful dark brown hair cascaded down her back, her crystal grey eyes glistened in the rays of the sun and her white teeth shone as a bright mischievous grin made its way on her face. Elena the girl Tyler had been in love with since day one (as a friend of course) maybe.
"Take a picture it'll last longer"
"Wait I didn't mean it no don't you dare put it on Instagram or I will personally come there and murder you!" shouted Tyler.
"134 likes in 2 minutes, wow now thats a record."
"You didn't."
"Oh I did! And trust me its the best thing i ever did this morning. Ha ha ha!"
"Elena!" shouted a ver angry Tyler.
"Whoops sorry Ty, duty calls gotta go bye."said Elena
and with that she hurried out of her bedroom door and headed downstairs.
"Oh its so on." Whispered Tyler as he headed for the shower.

A/N Sorry this is a short chapter guys but trust me as the chapters come they'll get longer. Anyways hoped you liked and don't forget to leave a comment luv y'all.Bye!

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