The ambush

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Softice had found herself at a campsite, she placed down her pink and blue sleeping bag and set up a bonfire.
Her stomach growled like crazy, she winced from her hunger pains. "So hungry.. Why didnt I pack any food.." Softice complained, She felt like she was gonna pass out. Not only was she starving, she was heavily parched too. "Man..Where am I gonna get some food ..?" Softice said, she looked around. Her eyes lit up when she saw a family of trolls at the campsite—they where Rock trolls. "Oh hey! over here!" Softice said, she ran over to them. "Im..Sorry to be a bother but can I have some of your food..?" Softice asked, giving them adorable puppy dog eyes. She wasnt sure if begging was gonna work, considering that they where rock trolls. But she was starving. The rock trolls looked at her, then back at each other. They shrugged and threw some beef jerky at her. Luckily she catched it.
  "..Is this it?" Softice asked, looking at the Rock Trolls. "Just be greatful were willing to share anything." The mother Rock troll said, "Now get back to your camp." She said, Softice sighed with disapointment "Okay.." Softice said, she went back to her canpsite and slowly nibbled on the beef jerky. "mhn..I wish I asked for water.." Softice complained.
Suddenly—some rustling in bushes where heard, there where five kpop trolls, one had green hair, one had yellow hair, one had purple hair, one had pink hair and one had blue hair.
"huh-huh? what was that-." Softice said, She looked around, A Kpop troll jumped out and pounced onto Softice. Wrestling her onto the ground. "AH-" Softice gasped from shock. Not excpeting this sudden ambush. "EY GET OFF ME!—" Softice yelled, "WHATS GOING ON?!" Softice shouted, However they didnt answer.
Though, Delta Dawn was nearby and watching them. Her eye twitched as they pratically abused Softice. "HEY—!" Delta Dawn shouted, speaking with a heavy southern accent. She ran over. "YEEHAW— GET 'EM CLAMPERS!" Delta Dawn Demanded her niece— Clampers who was nestled deep in her red hair. Clampers jumped out of her hair and started attacking the enemy. Trying to help out.
Soon enough, they were knocked out. Delta Dawn let Clampers back in her hair and slowly helped Softice up. "You alright? That was quite the attack." Delta Dawn said, scanning Softice for any bruises. "Yeah..Im okay." Softice said, a bit of blush formed on her face— Finding Delta Dawn absouletly stunning. "Say—arent you the mayor of The Lonesome Flats..?" Softice Questioned, Delta Dawn chuckled and nodded "Yeah, I am." Delta Dawn said, "Woah h— thats really cool. Whats it like being a leader?" Softice said, starting some small talk
"Well, its a bit tough but rewarding. The job means alot too me. I get to protect my people and such. Im also the peacemaker." Delta Dawn said.
Softice smiled as she listened to Delta Dawn Ramble off about being a mayor of Lonseome Flats. "Heh—thats cool." Softice said, she sighed. "I wish I was important enough like that." Softice said, self hating. Delta Dawn looked at her with a concerned look "Excuse me..?" Delta Dawn said, "What do you mean by 'important enough' Im sure you mean a lot too at least somebody." Delta Dawn said, She sat down next to Softice. "Its a long story." Softice said. "Oh I have plenty of time right now before i gotta get going." Delta Dawn said.
"..Alright.." Softice said, she took a deep breath. "When I was younger, I was abandoned by my family because of my constant zone-outs and curiosity. I am originally a kpop troll and Hard Rock troll. My mama was a rock troll and my daddy was a K-Pop troll. I was founded by this sweet boy named John Dory. He let me stay at his place and we fell in love." Softice said, her voice started cracking up. "But one day, he turned his back on me, pretty recently too. He hit me and kicked me out." Softice said, she started to cry. This was a very senstive topic. Delta Dawn gasped. She was flabbergasted from the story. "Oh my god.." Delta Dawn said, she pulled Softice into a hug. Softice squeaked from suprise but hugged back and burrowed her face into Delta's shoulder. "..I dont understand why he did this to me.." Softice said "He was so sweet to me before.."
"hm..We'll sometimes you just have to let go of others... sometimes you have to set them free." Delta Dawn said, she stroked softice's dark blue hair. "..Its gonna take time to heal." Delta Dawn said "And you might still be in love." Delta Dawn said, she sighs and looks away as if reflecting. "But ...I wouldnt be too attached anymore to this guy." Delta Dawn said, Softice looked at her with worry.  "Are you ok..?" Softice asked. "im okay." Delta Dawn said, "we should probably get some shut eye." Delta Dawn said, "Here ill let you warm up." Delta Dawn said, patting infront of her.
Softice's eyes widened at the sweet gesture, She crawled over and curled up into a ball besides Delta Dawn. Already feeling warm and cozy. Delta Dawn wrapped her arms around her like she was a teddy bear and held her close.
Softice slowly drifted off to sleep. Going off to dreamworld.
"heh.." Delta Dawn chuckled softly, stroking Softice's hair with the back of her knuckles. "Night Night." Delta Dawn said, falling asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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