✦ I am not your fan! ✦

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Some time later, Y/N leaves school, tired and stressed as always, since she is a somewhat temperamental girl, in addition to always having a bad night's sleep due to the fact that she exchanges night for day.

however, there were Gene, smoking a cigarette and chatting to Dave.. she looks at them confused -

Gene notices her and his face lights up, Dave pulls back a little and checks his phone... not wanting to seem invasive or anything - "Hey... you're the Brazilian, right?"

Y/N: "Yea..." - she says looking around -
"And how d'ya you know where I study?"

gene respond in a somewhat arrogant tone and a smug little smile - "It's not hard to find out these days..."

Y/N: hm - she analyzes him a bit

Gene: "Anyway, uh... I wanted to ask you something."

Y/N responds quickly still suspicious - "Ask"

Gene: "It's just... are you sure you can handle me at my worst? You do realise what kind of person I can be sometimes."

Y/N stares at him, she knows that the question is just an excuse but she says - "Did you come here for this?"

Gene looks away for a second - "Yeah, I just... you seemed a little cocky. And to be honest I kind of liked it. But I just wanted to make sure."

The girl has a small grin - "I'm sorry, have you ever heard of text messaging or, I don't know, phone calls?"

Gene grins- "Yes, but I wanted to ask in person, may I, little darling?" - he responds in a sarcastic tone with a strong cockney accent

she laughs and rolls her eyes a little, she seems intrigued but thinks it's funny - "You really don't have anything to do all day, do you?"

"But, yes of course I can handle u being spoiled and boring."

Gene chuckles looking down- "Good. Because like I said, I'm not exactly a "nice" person."

Y/N: "if u're bad I am worst don't worry"

Gene raises his eyebrows - "Oh yeah? You think you're worse than me?"

Y/N: "I can be if you bother me"

- Y/N is trying her best not to show even a little of how much she is a fan and passionate about Gene, since she doesn't want to lose her tough attitude and continue facing him.-

Gene: "Well, it doesn't take much to piss me off, so you might be in trouble then."

Y/N: "I can say the same" - she responds confidently and showing that and showing that he doesn't rule anything and doesn't scare her

Gene laughs again - "You've got balls. That's what I like about you."

She chuckles and says - "u know.. It's a gift"

gene keeps laughing a little - "You do realise I'm the "bad boy" of the music industry, right?"

The girl giggles genuinely and looks at him -You? You are the bad boy of the CHILDREN of artists in the music industry

Gene chuckles and rolls his eyes, he's definitely enjoying this conversation - "Fair enough... but you get that I kind of have a reputation for being a dickhead, right?"

She grins observing him and says in an amused tone - Do you want me to work for you and don't know how to ask?

Gene: Yeah basically... so uh, do you want to work for me?

Y/N : Yes! That's why I made the interview probably

Gene: Exactly... all the other girls were crapping themselves but you just looked at me like, "Yeah, whatever...

- she is genuinely happy that Gene liked her cocky and bossy personality but tries to hide it-

"It happens nepobaby"

Gene laughs again - "I like you already..."

Y/N still has a little grin and says to him
"Oh okay, thanks... u're not that bad too..."

She pauses a little after listened to herself - "uh well.. but u're still just a nepobaby..."

Gene has a grin but say - "Can't believe I need to say this, but don't actually call me "nepobaby""

she definitely won't stop calling him that, because besides sounding like an insult and helping her hide her love for her spoiled idol, it's still something she created for him... so she say - "hmm lemme think.. No!!  it's a great nickname.

Gene rolls his eyes - "Finee, But you're the only one who's allowed to call me that, got it?"

Y/N: obvious nepobaby, obvious!

Gene now say something to test if she feels jealous of him or something like that,  sinc deep down he knows very well that Y/N is a fan and loves him-
"Look... just one more thing... When you start working with me, you'll obviously see me a lot. And you're going to see a lot of girls around all the time, you understand that right?"

Y/N looks at him, and she knows that he just want to make her feel jealous (and it's working very well), but she tries to hide it - "I thought it was obvious.. and I'm a secretary not a guard or girlfriend."

And Gene keeps speaking- "I know that. But they'll still try to flirt with me, throw themselves at me, that kind of thing."

Y/N: "hm and?"

The brunette looks at her and has a cocky grin - And I just wanted to make sure that you wouldn't get jealous or anything like that..

Mafe looks at him, analyzes and scoffs: Really? Me? Jealous... of YOU..? - she say pointing to him

Gene knows that she is not in love but obsessed with him, but keeps goin, he approaches her a bit and says: "it happens... all the time."

She rolls her eyes - "Look nepobaby, u don't need to worry coz I really don't care about you and I DO NOT have a crush on you! Got it?"

Gene looks at her for a moment, amused- "You don't?"

Y/N responds quickly "No"

Gene smiles a little - "Well, that's good... because like I said, I'm kind of a dickhead sometimes."

Y/N respond looking away and crossing her arms: "me too"

Gene grins, looking down at her for a second - "No wonder we get along so well"

Y/N now is in silence and looking away, she frowns a bit..

Gene laughs - "I'm gonna be honest with you, some of the girls I hang around with will be a bit... jealous of you too."

she rolls her eyes

Gene speaks still amused - "They might give you the evil eye for a bit, ok?" - and he continues -
"I'm just letting you know because... you know, you're kind of cute." 

She looks at him again - "Hm okay, I know, but now... I need to go home. Send me an email with what I need to do! See ya" - she is about to leave

Gene nods his head still amused - "okay then, bye!"

"Bye nepobaby!! And stop searching about me, it's weird!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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