
306 7 5

I didn't expect the story to be 297 reads..

But promise is promise

What they think about you (vice-housewardens
Note : savannaclaw and ignihyde will be skipped since there is no vice-housewarden in them, and yes Ruggie and ortho aren't the vice of the dorm and kinda ooc on jade(?).) :

Trey : 【 neutral 】
Trey doesn't know about you yet and flabbergasted when there's two students in one coffin kicking the door open (aka you and ame) but knows that your a bit shy and nervous when you apologized to crowley politely but felt a bit happiness in you after you apologized to crowley

Jade : 【 tiny mushroom 】
He thinks you look like a little mushroom but you look tiny in floyds grasp, and the way you squirm was SO cute, the way you squeak or yelp he just can't help but wants to tease you about that but, jade was told by [REDACTED] that you were pretty shy and sometimes switch your mood so it was amusing to him

Jamil : 【 neutral (?) 】
Has heard about you from [REDACTED] since first years where [REDACTED] was new and a new friend of kalim he didn't speak too much but more to mute and purposely belong to octavinelle, but then he overheard in his breath saying how [REDACTED] misses someone named [N], of course he doesn't know about you since then but when he knows you, he thinks your... Uhmmm how do I say this? Well.. Stupid enough to be manipulated by his unique magic (but that ain't gonna work because you gonna close your eyes in time lol💀

Jamil : [snake whisper]~

[N] : *cutely closes eyes*

Jamil : 'what the hel-')

Rook : 【 reine/roi de la pluie (queen/king of rain) 】
Your looks and personality are the definition of the weather rain (̶̶̶a̶̶̶f̶̶̶t̶̶̶e̶̶̶r̶h̶e̶s̶t̶a̶l̶k̶s̶y̶o̶u) so why not call you queen/king of rain😍🥰

Lilia : 【 cute little bat 】
He thinks your actions are cute and would love to ̶b̶i̶t̶ey̶o̶u tease you about how cute you are~

BONUS drabble :

(Fluff and a little bit of angst)

[N] was in PE class and was having a collab with 2-E while it's [N]'s turn to ride the broom 'it's okay, I got this!' [N] flew up to floyds height which makes them nervous about how high it was but then...

"Aa.. aaAAAHHH!" [N] screamed for their dear life after the broom was flying uncontrollably until [n] gets the hang of it then drops downs after reaching the ground "I'm never doing that again.." [N] said with a scared face while the older twin or ame runs up to [N] "[n]! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.. Just traumatized."

"I'm glad,"

??? POV


After witnessing the student who flew uncontrollably he noticed the two familiar person.





"Someone take mx.Rain to the infirmary!"

I walked up to vargas-sensei knowing this would happen..


































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"I.. Will do it." I said getting his attention while ame looks at me in shock already knowing he was surprised to see me in such place.


"Ngh.." Ah, they're starting to wake up looking around until they spots me sitting next to them


I started to wake up remembering that I collapse out of nowhere in PE until I spot a familiar pinknette with long thin horns

"Haruuki..?" No way..i must be hallucinating right..? Haruuki was missing for one whole year before I get to be isekaid to twisted..

Until.. He nodded and said something.

"Miss me?" I felt like tearing up after not seeing a friend for one year..How could I almost forgot about him?...

I hugged him suddenly then crying in his shoulder "you idiot! Do you know how me and ame miss you after disappearing for one whole year!?" I outbursted until he rubbed my back while I was crying over him until he spoke again

"I'm.. Not the only one here." Not the only one here..? What does that mean..unless..




They must be here too since they also disappeared right..?



Residents at 400+ reads!

🌧TWISTED RAIN💧(various!twstxgn!reader) Where stories live. Discover now